January 2006
JINEN Butoh Workshop project in PARIS

by Globe JINEN
- In this practical workshop we will create a performance. It is based on the
material we performed in the Yin Yang Butoh Procession at Avignon Festival in
summer 2005. In this 2-week workshop, we will deepen it, intensify it, take it
one step further, and make it into a theatrical production.
- This workshop is for people with experience in Butoh Workshops. It is an intensive
performance production workshop where we will create a performance in 2 weeks.
After the workshop, everyone will join a 3-day rehearsal and give a performance
on January 19th and 20th.Date: 4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14, January 2006 / 10days
Time: 13:00-18:00 pm / total 50 hours
Max 20 people
We will divide the workshop participants into 2 groups for the performance.
* There is no participation fee for January 16th to 20th. Please note we will
not pay for participation in the performances.The theme for this workshop is to
dance the Yin Yang; to express the various souls that live in the vast cycle of
JINEN - the cycle of day and night, life and death.
In this workshop, we will focus especially on embracing the souls that were excluded
or pushed away by the society, or suffered from mental and physical disturbances,
and get into them and dance them.
Through dancing these souls, we encounter the darkness within ourselves and we
keep dancing until we liberate them from the concept of darkness, perceive them
as a real effusion of the life and change them into light.
While creating the performances, I will give you advice in which physical and
spiritual conditions you should face Butoh and how to turn the movement sleeping
within you into techniques.
Atsushi TakenouchiRequisites for Participants: Previous experience in Butoh workshop
required. As a general rule, the participants must be able to attend the whole
period of 10 days. Maximum capacity: 20 people.
Costume: Please bring a costume and/or disguise and shoes that suit the soul you
are trying to express. As in Yin Yang, we can have western and eastern, classics
and moderns, extremes of various types. Please do not hesitate to bring any kind
of costume or disguise. Dresses, flashy disguises and bizarre outfits are acceptable.
Naked is acceptable when Butoh pants or Fundoshi are worn. We have 10 Japanese
Kimonos and white body paint available.
" We will have outdoor workshops as well. Please bring durable shoes that
match your costume and are suitable for dancing.
< Accommodation >
We have some information for accommodations. Please contact below for details.
Please make a reservation by yourself.
<Contact >
Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree
Association Culturelle Franco-Japonaise de TENRI
8-12, rue Bertin Poiree 75001 Paris
Metro : Chatelet or Pont-Neuf
Tel +33(0)1 4476 0606 / Fax +33(0)1 4476 0613
E-mail: info@tenri-paris.com
Website : www.tenri-paris.com
<Atsushi Takenouchi web site >
January 2006
JINEN Butoh Group performance
Thursday 19th, Friday 20th, January 2006
start 20:30 pm
in Paris
choreograph, direction by Atsushi Takenouchi
dancer : Atsushi Takenouchi and 7-8 dancers
music: Hiroko Komiya ( percussion, bamboo, stone, bells, shells, voice ) and guest
by Globe JINEN
Butoh in ancient Japanese means to dance like wind and step on the ground. Byou
means disorder. Butoh-byou is an actual symptom where people cannot stop dancing
until they die. I feel that all dances which live the last bit of life when facing
are Butoh-Byou.
The souls pushed away into darkness with death approaching, abandoned children
the elderly, injured people deeply in prayer on a battlefield, revolutionists
who cry for
freedom, a soldier who has gone mad by killing and drugs, the death march of aboriginals
in a forced migration, people who are isolated for physical or mental disorders,
prostitutes who are loved and abandoned, sick actors and beggars, forests and
spirits that are being destroyed by firebombs and environmental disruption, diminishing
deities of sea and mountain, and ancient dances…
We keep dancing until we liberate these souls, as well as the darkness within
ourselves, from the concept of darkness, perceive them as a real effusion of the
and change them into light. The performance "Butoh Byou" is a requiem
for these
souls that have been pushed away into the darkness and for the darkness that lies
within ourselves.
We will embrace both extremes of all souls including ourselves - light and darkness,
Yin and Yang-, and dance to express all souls. It is a dancing revolution of body
spirit, which turns darkness into light.
Atsushi Takenouchi
<Info & Booking >
Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree
Association Culturelle Franco-Japonaise de TENRI
8-12, rue Bertin Poiree 75001 Paris
Metro : Chatelet or Pont-Neuf
Tel +33(0)1 4476 0606 / Fax +33(0)1 4476 0613
E-mail: info@tenri-paris.com
Website : www.tenri-paris.com