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News ! -  6 month course - monthly JINEN Butoh weekend
 start from October 2014 !!

                                                                                                                                                                            Italian  text  below
6 month course ( Oct 2014 – Apr 2015 )

JINEN Butoh with Atsushi Takenouchi
and live music by Hiroko Komiya

Final event : Butoh festival with performance of the participants,
 solo Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi, and guests.


the dates;  2014 Oct 25-26,  Nov 22-23, Dec 27-28 (+ optional Dec 29-31), 
                       2015 Jan 31-Feb1, Feb 28-Mar 1,  Apr 17-19 (3days)

At ; Spazio NU –DANCE & MOVEMENT  (via Firenze  42/A – 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy )
Time; Sat (15:00-21:00), Sun(10:00–18:00) ,  Every months 1 weekend

-The place is limited. Priority is 6 month full monthly participants.
-This course is for dancer, actor, performer, person who has physical training experience. If you have question,
  please ask to us with your experience.
-On the final April2015, each solo performance by participants, and Atsushi Takenouchi solo
 and more guests performance in Butoh festival.
- December optional dates; Dec 29-31 will be combination class. It focus mainly on Butoh (3.5-4h) ,
  then  contact improvisation(2h) + Acrobatic class(2h).
    ( Contact improvisation class guided by Massimo Pierini and Mario Ghezzi. Acrobatic class guided by Urana Marchesini.
     Former experience is not necessary.)
     On the 31st Dec, there will be countdown/new year celebration event  in the night at SpazioNU with more guests.
     Let’s make countdown celebration dance together !


6month course fee : 470 euros total   *accommodation & food is not included.
*optional dates Dec 29-31 is  additional fee. 
accommodation & food :  - accomodation 5 euros/day,   - 3 meals 15 euros/day (vegetarian meal)

1 weekend participation fee :  100 euros   * accommodation & food is not included.

* The priority is 6month participate. But in case if you want join 1 month,  it is also possible, please contact us.

*** For register, payment, work exchange, please contact Spazio NU or us to    jinenco@gmail.com
*** For register, 100 euros payment in advance.

spazionu@gmail.com , info@spazionu.com , www.spazionu.com
tel. +39 0587 54 634,   +39 329.09.08.119,  +39 349.13.71.631
address : via Firenze  42/A – 56025 Pontedera (PI) Italy

 more info >>>( English & Italian )   http://www.spazionu.com/?p=4370     

                    photo by Agata Wawryszczuk                                                                                                                                                                            photo byTsukasa Aoki   

JINEN Butoh 6 month course
6 months – Plants bloom the flower, bear fruits, and give seeds.
Each person’s dance, each existence of body, each movement is also transforming through this 6 months.

We would like to share and spend this process, this opportunity together.

Finding your inner movements and connecting them with your Butoh dance.
This is the work of blooming flower.
Next, you once make withered the full energy from flower, and mature it.
Then extract your own Butoh movement and condense into one seed.
This one seed is your own Butoh piece.
Through extracting, condensing, you will meet the most important Butoh element for you.
This is the work of producing seeds.
Seeds of plant is a gift of flower life to the next generation of nature. In other words, it is a gift to nature, to the universe, to return all your life.
Audience receive this gift. What the audience want to see ultimately is the truth of your life that will not hide.
This is a single flower that bloomed in a moment on the stage from the seed of you. 

6 themes of this course 
The 1st – <Inside and outside >
Create into Butoh with the sense of space, the consciousness to exterior and the internal sense of life phenomenon. Internal sense; breath, internal organs, spine. External sense; sense of space, parallel sense, sensory, tacticle, visual. To dissolve the wall between the inside and the outside of the self of here and now,  soul dresses the body, dresses the space and the landscape.
The 2nd < The memory of life and transformation >
- Think about time until today which has started from the Big Bang. If the time until now is a growth of huge single tree, we might be a leaf of the tip of a branch. This tree was a stone, wind, insect, fish, sea, the earth, moon. One leaf forget that this huge tree is a body of its own. All the memory stays within our body. 
The 3rd < Light and shadow>
Growth and decay, night and day, static and dynamic, life and death. As night and day is necessary to all life, opposing these elements exist as of the ins and outs of one life. How we can experience these elements as one. 
The 4th< Existence >
Your existence stands on the stage as a life. This is also the ultimate proposition of the performing art. It is to stand as the truth of your life. We will image and start create your own Butoh piece from this work of existence. 
The 5th < Seed>
To find a seed from millions of flowers. It means that we extract a seed to create own work from millions of possibility . The important is we once need to face the wither of flower. Through facing death, we will discover seed. In this work, we progress creation and start imagining own costume for your work.
The 6th < A flower >
If the seed is a creation of work, we should transform the seed into a flower in one moment on the stage. You find Butoh here, you find miracle of life on the stage. And this is the truth, and the flower of truth.


>>>>Italian  text

6 Mesi Corso di danza Butoh,
 Jinen Butoh condotto da Atsushi Takenouchi
 musica dal vivo di Hiroko Komiya
 da Ottobre 2014 ad Aprile 2015

 evento finale: Festival di danza Butoh, con performance dei partecipanti,
di Atsushi Takenouchi e altri invitati.


 Ottobre 25- 26
 Novembre 22 – 23
 Dicembre 27-28 + optional Dec 29-31
 Gennaio 31-Febbraio 1
 Febbraio 28-Mar1
 Aprile 17-19

 -Ogni mese un weekend di workshop con orario:

   sabato 15-21 domenica 10-18 (posti limitati, la priorità andrà ai partecipanti dell'intero percorso)

  -Aprile 2015- serata butoh : solo performance dei partecipanti + solo Atsushi Takenouchi + ospiti

  -Dicembre 2014 : 29-31 butoh+ contact improvisation
Jinen butoh

Sei mesi: le piante fanno sbocciare I fiori, producono I frutti e generano semi.
La danza, l’esistenza, il corpo ed il movimento di ognuno di noi si trasforma nel corso di questi sei mesi.
Vorremmo condividere questa opportunita’  e intraprendere questo percorso tutti insieme.
Trovare il propio movimento interno e connetterlo con il jinen butoh
Questo e’ il lavoro del fiore che sboccia.
Poi, l’energia del fiore appassisce, e matura.
Estrarre il proprio movimento Butoh e condensarlo in un seme
Questo seme e’ il proprio solo di Butoh.
Attraverso l’estrarre ed il condensare ognuno trovera’ gli elementi piu’ imporatnti del Butoh.
E’ il produrre i semi.
I semi delle piante sono un dono di vita per la nuova generazione in natura. In altre parole, e’ un dono alla natura, all’universo, per restituire la propria vita.
Il pubblico riceve questo dono. Quello che il pubblico vedra’ e’la verita’ non celabile della propria esistenza.
E’ un singolo fiore che sboccia sul palco dal proprio seme.

6 temi del corso

1-      Dentro e fuori. 
Creare con il senso dello spazio, la consapevolezza dell’esterno e la sensazione interna dell vita. Sensi interni: respire, organi interni, colonna vertebrale. Sensi esterni: spazio, tattoo, vista, udito. Per dissolvere il muro fra interno ed esterno ci concentriamo sul qui e ora, l’anima riveste il corpo e lo spazio.

2-      Memoria della vita e trasformazione.
Pensiamo a tutto il tempo che e’ passato dal Big Bang fino ad oggi. Se il passare del tempo e’ la crescita di un singolo grande albero, potremmo essere una foglia su di un ramo. Questo albero sara’ stato pietra, vento, insetto, pesce, mare, terra, Luna. La folgia dimentica che l’albero e’ il suo corpo. Tutta la memoria rimane all’interno del nostro corpo.

3-      Luce ed ombra.
Crescita e decadenza, notte e giorno, static e dinamico, vita e morte. Come il giorno e la notte sono necessari per tutte le forme di vita, questi elementi opposti rappresentano l’interno e l’esterno della propria vita. Possiamo sentire questi elementi come un unico.

4-      Esistenza.
La propria esistenza si presenta sul palco come vita. Questa e’ anche la massima affermazione dell’arte performativa. E’ l’esistere attraverso la verita’ della propria vita. Immagineremo e creeremo I soli di danza Butoh partendo da questo processo di esistenza.

5-      Il seme.
Trovare un singolo seme da milioni di fiori. Questo significa che estraiamo il seme per creare il nostro lavoro da milioni di possibilita’. L’essenziale e’ la necessita’ di affrontare l’appassimento del fiore. Affrontando la morte scopriremo il seme. In questo momento del processo creeremo I costumi per i soli.

6-      Il fiore.
Se il seme rappresenta la creazione del proprio lavoro, dovremo trasformare il seme in fiore in un momento sul palcoscenico. Qui troveremo la danza Butoh, troveremo il miracolo della vita sul palco. Sara’ la verita’, sara’ il fiore della verita’.

                                                                                                   hiroko komiya photo  by Publink  
Atsushi Takenouchi

 Ha fatto parte della compagnia di danza butoh “Hoppo-Butoh-ha”, in Hokkaido dal 1980 al 1984. L’ultimo suo lavoro con la compagnia “Takazashiki” è stato coreografato dal fondatore del butoh, Tatsumi Hijikata. Dal 1986 ha iniziato a sviluppare il suo stile di danza butoh, che ha chiamato Jinen butoh: Jinen è la vita in ogni cosa, organica e non, il jinen butoh è una forza che danza con il tutto. Crea e danza i soli “Tanagokoro”, “Ginkan”, “Itteri”, come universale espressione della natura, della terra, dei tempi remoti, danzando le sue impressioni nell’istante presente, attraverso tutto l’ambiente che lo circonda. Dall’autunno dell 2002, ha fatto dell’Europa la sua base di lavoro, iniziando a lavorare con workshop, performance solo e di gruppo: Polonia, Italia, Francia, Spagna, Olanda, Germania, Russia, Usa, Canada, Alaska, sono alcuni dei paesi che hanno ospitato il suo lavoro.

 Hiroko Komiya
 Vocalist, percussionista, usa strumenti e materiali naturali.
 Dal 1999 accompagna Atsushi nelle sue performance e workshop e parallelamente collabora con gruppi e artisti come Lena Circus, Maki Watanabe, Kazuya Nagaya e altri.

 Per info e prenotazioni: Spazio NU -via Firenze 42/A – 56025 Pontedera (PI)
 tel. +39 0587 54 634, +39 329.09.08.119, +39 349.13.71.631
 email: spazionu@gmail.com, info@spazionu.com
   more info >>>( English & Italian )   http://www.spazionu.com/?p=4370     


“ Dance is devotion of life”
 I learned this while my travelling nature fields called JINEN. This has never changed since old times and will never change. This means I should dance to “my life”, to the moment, and to now which lasts forever. 

  I’ve got my body from the earth. I’ve got my life from the sun and the moon, my parents, my friends and my love. Then I’ll return the gifts to these universe. I’ll return them to others through dancing body and soul. As I see a tiny flower selflessly, I meet a dance filled with a joy of “ life”.  And then, my body is filled up with water of “ life”. The seeds of memory inside of myself come into bud.
 The sound of winds is the whispering of the earth. The sound of minerals is the muttering of machines. We hear the sounds of the universe through explosion and noise and stillness.
 Oh, thousands of sounds, take our souls far away to our unknown world. Travel with reminding us of forgotten dances. On the sun and the moon, there are young men singing eternal songs at every place in the world. Let’s begin an ancient and modern fete at “ relics of life” holding artificial and nature-on earth.

JINEN Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi
 Atsushi Takenouchi: Joined butoh dance company „Hoppo-Butoh-ha“ in Hokkaido in 1980. His last performance with the company "Takazashiki"(1984) was worked on by butoh-founder Tatsumi Hijikata. Atsushi has started his own „Jinen Butoh“ since 1986 and created solo works „Itteki“, „Ginkan“ as a universal expression of nature, earth, and ancient times and impressions of the moment, meeting with people and environment. He made 3 year “JINEN” tour project throughout
 Japan for 600 sitespecific improvisations (1996-1999). During this time, he studied a spirit of the universe under Kazuo Ohno and Yoshito Ohno. Since 2002, he has been mainly based in Europe, working on Butoh dance collaboration project with dancers and actors in France, Poland, U.S.A and other countries. Joining in festival such as Avignon festival, Paris Butoh festival, NY Butoh festival, he has been presenting his solo piece. At the same time, he also collaborates with film. The recent work in Alaska and Hawaii, “Ridden by nature” environmental art film will be completed soon.
Hiroko Komiya- music (www.jinen-butoh.com/hiroko_profile_e.html)
Creates sounds from various objects, like water, stones, metal bowls, toys and voice. Her music is designed to let the sound come naturally from each object, instrument, as if they are breathing and whispering of each life. She regularly accompanies Butoh dance performance by Atsushi Takenouchi.


Copyright 2002-2007 c Globe JINEN All rights reserved.