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 NEW DVD release...
Atsushi Takenouchi solo JINEN Butoh "STONE"   music by Hiroko Komiya(70mins )
performed and recorded in Lebanon at Sunflower theatre in June 2008
produced by ARTRACE 
*send  by post at ARTRACE/Paris  georges.karam@gmail.com , 
or  sale at the counter of Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree /Paris  
"STONE"  management & Distribution - Catherine SERDIMET  cserdimet@free.fr,   http://cserdimet.free.fr/takenouchi.htm



@     Hiroko's 1st solo Album 

" eau nouvelle " 
(2009, sometimestudio, France)
hiroko komiya : stone, shells, water, metal balls, toys, percussion and voice
01  stone self 
02  in the distance    03  drops 
04  inside flux    05  whispering    06  in the mother's womb
07  Comment çava?      08  entre chien et loup
09  a knot      10   in the middle of nowhere
11    now here 
produced by Ramuntcho Matta    2009  www.sometimeStudio.org
Album is available from this HP site :  http://sometimestudio.org/people/detail.php?itemid=230&usrid=11
you can also listen shortly some extract sound from the link page above.


" Toki No Arika "
CD review 
(12/11/2008) http://www.digitalisindustries.com/foxyd/reviews.php?which=3835 
collaboration with experimental music group LENA CIRCUS
(2008, MIMIMI records, France)
Guillaume Arbonville (drums), Antoine Letellier ( guitar, yukulele, flute),
Nicolas Moulin ( guitar ).  & Hiroko ( voice, percussions and object sounds )
link   www.lenacircus.com, http://www.lenacircus.com/discographie.html
myspace link 
info & contact : lenacircus@hotmail.com
@                       Album is available from this hp site:  www.staalplaat.com
or at :
Staalplaat Store, Torstr. 68, 10119 Berlin, Germany
Bimbo Tower, 5 passage St Antoine 75011 Paris, M‹Bastille/Ledru-Rollin
Underground, 44 rue Gambetta 51100 Reims
The Dark Pillow of your Bones, 3 rue du Capitaine Ferber 75020 Paris M‹Porte de Bagnolet


a Live in kyoto 13th march 2007 vol 3 /

ramuntcho matta with mama milk and hiroko komiya  
" MA TTA " ( 2007, sometimestudio, France )

in collabo with French artist Ramuntcho Matta (guitar),and mama! milk (Acordion,contrabass)
from Kyoto, Japan. 

link Sometimestudio  http://sometimestudio.org
@ @ @

      Publication    Book

2005 "Dancing Identity: Metaphysics in Motion"

 written by Sandra Fraleigh

Jacket photo : Butoh dancer Atsushi Takenouchi in a Thailand cave. Photograph by Hiroko Komiya.
There is some articles which mention Takenouchi's JINEN Butoh and his words. 



2006 "Hijikata Tatsumi and Ohno Kazuo"

written by Sandra Fraleigh & Tamah Nakamura

The last chapter introduces 9 Butoh performer's Dance Experience with workshop words.
It includes Takenouchi's JINEN Butoh and workshop words.  




1994 " Dance with Nature in the Rice Festival (shizento odorous komematuri)"

picture book Poem and illustrations by

Atsushi Takenouchi.( issued by Noubunkyo)

This picture book was published in the time Takenouchi hold nature school in Osaka/Japan.

 He was teaching how to play with nature, how to dance with nature for children and parents. 

He was also painting and exhibiting a lot in Osaka, Kyoto, Japan

as well as performing JINEN Butoh dance.






Film    "Silken" 
(2008/France/ 11 minutes)
Directed by Damien Serban  and  Yann Bertrand
Autour de Minuit Présente

Takenouchi performs an embryo who keep living in the mother womb

 and grows into adult with feeling and looking  external world from inner body.




SOGO ISHII punk years 1976- 1983 dvd box I
"Asia Strikes Back"
Directed by Sogo Ishii ( Japan / 1983).  

The cast is two punk rockers, one actor and one butoh dancer.

Takenouchi plays one of four survived soldiers (K) of nuclear war. 






LES NOUVELLES DEVERSAILLES  / Paris  France           21 mai  2008 
"8 SEASONS" solo butoh dance
Collaboration performance with Company Mobilis-Immobilis / Paris

A dancing performance matching projections, interactive elements, video by Company Mobilis-Immobilis, and  dance by Butoh dancer Atsushi Takenouchi  and electroacoustic music and live music by Hiroko Komiya, played in live. 

NEW{S} CANDIANI / Venice   Italy                     8 Jun  2008 

"Il corpo dentro"     solo butoh dance
 performance in collaboration with c.t.r. (centro teatrale di ricerca) Venezia

Collaboration performance of architectual body,

 between Butoh dancer Atsushi takenouchi and costume designer Sonia Biacchi;

 her work has been affected by  master of Bauhaus Oscar Schlemmer .

 GAZETA / Szczecin      Poland           30Nov-6Dec   2007  
"Fleur de midorigo" 

solo butoh dance    at theater KANA in Szczecin Poland.
This performance was dedicated to Buoh founder Kazuo Ohno.

Recieved title from Yoshito Ohno.

RZECPOLITA / Warsaw  Poland         2  Dec 2007

NEW YORK TIMES  /   USA                    15 Nov 2007
"SKIN "   solo butoh dance at  Cave
Dance review of "SKIN" improvisation performed in New York Butoh Festival 2007

L' EST  REPUBLIAIN /        Nancy   France                    19 Nov 2007
 JINEN Butoh stage (workshop)


Butoh –literal meaning is dance of the step– « is not a formal dance », emphasizes the specialist.

 « It is based on breathing work, feelings, sensations, emotions. You go through an inner trip ».





"JINEN - Pros Eafton"   / Athens  Greece            Oct 2005
Collaboration  performance with "Syn+Ergasia" (Greece);

 dance, theatre and vidual installation. 

This work is inspired from homeric in to goddess of earth Dimitra,

 and it combines Butoh elements with elements of  Greek ancient tragedy and

elements of contemporary dance and theatre .




Weekendkrant  /Holland           9 Apr 2005
" Field of Colour "

Site specific performance in collaboration with company FIELD OF WONDER ( Holland),

 performed in Flower festival at the Tulip Field. 

podium lichaam&ziel Prak / Holland             Jun  2005
Atsushi Takenouchi Interview in Amsterdam 



"Le Quotidien" le Samedi/  Quebec   CANADA    31 Jul  2004)

Discovery of our inner movement. Atsushi Takenouchi natureside Butoh workhsop in Quebec.



Gazeta Wyborcza/  Gdańsk Poland          16  Dec 2003
dance review of solo Butoh performance at Zak in Gdansk

Gazeta Wyborcza / Poland             Dec 2003
"Jedna Kropla ( ITTEKI-one drop)"

review and Atsushi interview of his dance experience

Gazeta Wyborcza / Poznan  Poland  5-11  Oct  2001

"Stone" solo butoh dance in Poznan,

Takenouchi expresses the nature energy by butoh.







Nikkei Newspaper/ Osaka   Japan     26 Jul  2001

Butoh dance and traditional Japanese dance resonate through movement.

Asahi Newspaper/ Osaka  Japan               7  Jun  1997

"JINEN" performance in Osaka,

Takenouchi makes performance tour through all Japan.





Asahi Neswpaper/Nagoya  Japan         21.Aug.1999
Interview  Atsushi Takenouchi in 1999





Copyright 2006 © Globe JINEN All rights reserved.