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2007 |
Butoh Barter project in Warsaw Jinen Butoh intensive workshop and workshop presentation info and booking : iwonawo@gmail.com http://iwonakimu.blogspot.com/ http://iwonakimu.blogspot.com/2007/10/butoh-barter-with-atsushi-takenouchi-in.html more info>>> Finland Jinen Butoh workshop and performance in Helsinki Dec 12(Wed)-16(sun), 2007 Jinen Butoh workshop at National Theatre Academy of Finland in Helsinki Teatterikorkeakoulu, Teaterhogskolan, Theatre Academy, Haapaniemenkatu 6, PL 163, FIN-00531 Helsinki http://www.teak.fi Dec 17(Mon), 2007 Dec 17(Mon), 2007 at 19pm Atsushi Takenouchi solo Jinen Butoh "SKIN -improvisation#4- " live music by Hiroko Komiya at Teatteri Naamio ja Hoyhen add :Korkeavuorenkatu 17, 00130 Helsinki, Finland www.nh.fi contact : mail@teronauha.net UK Dec 19-21, Atsushi Takenouchi butoh performance and butoh workshop JINEN Butoh Workshop and performance for Solstice / Brighton, UK Info and booking : vfarman@yahoo.com more info>>> |
U.S.A New York Butoh Festival 2007 / NY Nov 9 (Fri) at 19:30 Atsushi Takenouchi solo butoh "Ki Za Mu" at Theater for the New City 155 First Avenue(between 9th and 10th Streets) New York, NY 10003 November 10 & 11 (Sat &
Sun) 10am-16pm
JINEN Butoh workshop 2days at Dance Theater Workshop 219 W 19th St # 5 , New York, NY 10011 November 13 (Tue) 8:00pm Atsushi Takenouchi solo butoh "SKIN" Improvisation #1 at CAVE 58 Grand Street , Brooklyn, New York 11211 more info>>> performance: www.CAVEartspace.org http://nybf.caveartspace.org/performances/tfnyc.htm workshop: http://nybf.caveartspace.org/workshops.htm France Stage de Danse Buto Avec Atsushi Takenouchi - Nancy- Du16(Vend)au18(Diman)Nov.07 Contact : bruno_salvador@hotmail.com +33(0)6 88 72 98 07 http://collapsart.free.fr Lieu : MJC des 3 Maisons, 12 rue Fontenoy, NANCY Horaires : Vendredi 16 : 17h - 22h / Samedi 17 et dimanche 18 : 13h - 20h more infore>>> Poland |
Atsushi Takenouchi solo performance October 24th(Wed) 7.15pm at Chisenhale Dance Space, 64-84 Chisenhale Road E3. butohuk@aol.com Jinen Butoh Workshop October 25th(Thu)-28th(Sun) 11am - 5pm venue: LBAC Eastbourne House, Bullards Place E2 bookings: butohuk@aol.com 02086741518 more info>>> www.rotiebutoh.com , www.butohuk.com |
Natureside residency workshop in Bari / South Italy intensive 9days last day is presentation in the nature At : Casina Settarte, South Italy, Valle de'Itaria ( Bari) Booking and info :info@casinasettarte.org Associazione Kronopios. Germana Siciliani tel.(+39) 339.8447241 www.casinasettarte.org * arrive on 26th Sep and depart on 6th Oct * the last day will be each solo presentation in nature. more info>>> UK Sep 23 ,2007 INSIDE OUT FESTIVAL 2007: HAMBLEDON HILL /UK Site specific performance , fire, light, sound and human presence evoking the hidden resonances of history and memory that echo across the ancient hill fort of Hambledon Hill. Directed by Red Earth / UK more info>>> www.redearth.co.uk |
GERMANY August 3-20 eX...it! 07 4th International dance - exchange symposium project in Broellin , Germany workshop camp : Aug 7-18 presentation :Aug 17, 18 at schloss broellin symposium : Aug 19 at schloss broellin contact : Caprice Ennulat (project manager) caprice@exit.broellin.de more info >>> http://www.exit.broellin.de/ |
ALASKA, Hawaii "Ridden by Nature" environmental art film by Kiahkeya JINEN Butoh dance in nature film project in Alaska and Hawaii directed by Kathi von Koerber more info>>> http://www.kiahkeya.com/ http://www.kiahkeya.com/fundraiser/ NYC Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th of JULY, 2007 IMPROVISATIONAL BUTOH DANCE WORKSHOP / INTENSIVE Time: 1-8pm both days (14 hours total) Open Level / For dancers, actors, performers and more. AT : Battery Dance Space, New York City Address: 380 Broadway, 5th Floor Manhattan SIGN UP & Pre-Registration : DEADLINE July 18 INFO and Reservation at KiahKeya: Telephone:+1 718-387-8680 Email: workshops@kiahkeya.com more info>>> www.resonant-wave.net/dance2007 |
FRANCE April 11-15, 2007 Intensive natureside residency JINEN Butoh workshop in South France ( in Pyrenees) Last day is each solo presentation in nature arrival day:10th April , departure day:16th April morning accomodation : gite des gaouats 31160 Castel biag / south france, one hour from Toulouse Contact & booking : Nicolas RAYNAUD tel : +33 (0)6 09 17 08 56, mail : nicotrace@neuf.fr more info>>> |
JAPAN 2007, Feb 20-24 5days Nature side Butoh workshop in Yaku island /south Japan Workshop in the forests, seaside, mountain, waterfalls of Yaku island Contact & reservation: Nature guide office MANATSU e-mail:yaku@office-manatsu.com@tel & fax +81 (0)997-47-2397 add:Koidomari, Kojima, Yaku-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima, Japan 889-4405 http://office-manatsu.com (Japanese site) -- 2005&2006 workshops reports in japanese but there are several photos. more info>>> |
FRANCE Spectacle creation workshop project in Paris Date: 15 days workshop: 8-13,15-20&22 January 2007 performance: 23&24 January 2007 Time: 12:00- 19:30 / total 120 hours Maximum number: 20 -This workshop is for people with experience in Butoh Workshops and who can assist the workshop all along. -It is an intensive performance production workshop. <Contact&Booking > Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree Association Culturelle Franco-Japonaise de TENRI E-mail: info@tenri-paris.com Website : www.tenri-paris.com Tel +33(0)1 4476 0606 / Fax +33(0)1 4476 0613 add: 8-12, rue Bertin Poiree 75001 Paris Metro : Chatelet or Pont-Neuf more info>>> =================== Photos of workshop in January 2006 are available: http://millenary-euphoria.net/works/Jparis2006jan.htm (In English) http://rejectedpeople.free.fr (in sevral languages / some video) =================== Atsushi Takenouchi Jinen Butoh group spectacle Date: 23&24 January 2007 start at 20:30 At ESPACE CULTUREL BERTIN POIREE <Contact&Booking > Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree Association Culturelle Franco-Japonaise de TENRI E-mail: info@tenri-paris.com Website : www.tenri-paris.com Tel +33(0)1 4476 0606 / Fax +33(0)1 4476 0613 add: 8-12, rue Bertin Poiree 75001 Paris Metro : Chatelet or Pont-Neuf more info>>> |