Milan, 19-20 December 2015 Jinen Butoh workshop with Atsushi Takenouchi live music by Hiroko Komiya and Tivitavi Inside and Outside ![]() photo by Drora Spitz Where is my Inside, where is my Outside? Your outside is also your part of body, Because You are part of Universe. Create into Butoh with the sense of space, the consciousness to exterior and the internal sense of life phenomenon. Internal sense; breath, internal organs, spine. External sense; sense of space, parallel sense, sensory, tacticle, visual. To dissolve the wall between inside and outside of the self of here and now, “Soul dresses the Body, dresses the Space and the Landscape”. You can dress old tree, You can dress volcano. You can dress singing moon sky. (Atsushi Takenouchi) PLACE: SPAZIO CONTINUUM V. Stendhal 43 Milano TIME: Saturday and Sunday 11,00 - 19,00 PRICE: 120 euro SPAZIO CONTINUUM VIA STENDHAL 43 MILANO - INGRESSO CARRAIO TEL: Kea 335-6680398-Tivitavi 3337814470 - 0287234399 - info@spaziocontinuum.it Milan, 22 December 2015 at 21,00
SACRED NIGHT Butoh dance performance Atsushi Takenouchi & Kea Tonetti live music by Hiroko Komiya & Tivitavi ![]() photos by Gabriele Seidel and Waldemar Zdrojewski Sacred night
through the masks white breath of dancers (Kikaku 1661-1707) During the longest night of the year, a ritual is weaved in the present, between two musicians and two dancers. The music creates the plot of the time, opening intervals where everything suspends, and where the dance becomes mirror and at the same time its reflection, where to see through masks and dreams, as in the moonlit night. Darkness generates light, light illuminates darkness, but who is looking and projecting what is manifesting? A vibrant act, beyond space and time, where the ability to wonder awakens light in the heart and the beauty of existence. WHERE: MACAO | NUOVO CENTRO PER LE ARTI, LA CULTURA E LA RICERCA Viale Molise 68, Milano Atsushi Takenouchi http://www.jinen-butoh.com Joined butoh dance company „Hoppo-Butoh-ha“ in Hokkaido in 1980. His last performance with the company "Takazashiki"(1984) was worked on by butoh-founder Tatsumi Hijikata. Atsushi has started his own „Jinen Butoh“ since 1986 and created solo works „Itteki“, „Ginkan“ as a universal expression of nature, earth, and ancient times and impressions of the moment, meeting with people and environment. He made 3 year “JINEN” tour project throughout Japan for 600 site-specific improvisations (1996-1999). During this time, he started to be inspired by a spirit of the universe of Kazuo Ohno and Yoshito Ohno. Since 2002, he has been mainly based in Europe, working on Butoh dance collaboration project with dancers and actors in France, Poland, U.S.A and other countries. Hiroko Komiya http://www.jinen-butoh.com/hiroko_profile_e.html ![]() Ph. by Georges Karam Creates sounds from various objects, like water, stones, metal bowls, toys and voice. Her music is designed to let the sound come naturally from each object, instrument, as if they are breathing and whispering of each life. She regularly accompanies Butoh dance performance by Atsushi Takenouchi. Kea Tonetti:https://spaziocontinuum.wordpress.com/chi-siamo/ formed in dance from 1980 in Italy, Paris and New York, following various choreographers from the contemporary field, among them Raffaella Giordano and Dominique Dupuy, since 2003 researches in Butoh with Atsushi Takenouchi, Masaki Iwana, Yukio Waguri, Yoshito Ohno, Ko Murobushi, Yumiko Yoshioka, Joan Laage and Imre Thormann. She formed in Sensitive Dance® with Claude Coldy. She studies singing with Carola Caruso, Gisela Rohmert's functional method of the voice. With the Master Giò Fronti she was formed in Hara Yoga. Her research in yoga, tantra and shamanism, which embraces the Divine’s emanation in every manifestation of life, brings her to dance in contact with Nature and to research the unconscious dimensions of the human being. From 1990 she performs in various theatres and dance productions, in 2009 founds together with Tivitavi the CompagniaKha, which has created different performances solo and with other artists, among them: Atsushi Takenouchi and Monique Arnaud, master of Noh Theatre. The company performed in Festivals and Theatres in Italy, Germany, Basel, Budapest, London, Lyon, Barcellona, Mexico city and Russia. Last performaces: White-hot, Hana no inochi, life of the flower (with Atsushi Takenouchi and Hiroko Komiya), Yo soy Azul, Mothersea, Enthullt:The flower garden, Utsusemi, Wu, Shishigami-Spirit of the Forest, Space is body, L’ombra della luce. ![]() photo by Anastasya Stolyarov Tivitavi (R.Papini): Sound and visual artist. He follows different masters travelling from Yoga to shamanism. In his musical journey meets: Phil Drummy, Djalu Gurruwiwi (didgeridoo), Mari Boine (singing of Lapland), Saynko Namcylak (Tuvan throat-singing), Amelia Cuni (drhupad singing), Lorenzo Galantini (bagpipes), Massimo La Guardia (tammorra/frame drum) and Lorenzo Gasperoni (djembè), Albert Rabenstain (tibetan bowls). Founded with Kea Tonetti “CompagniaKha”. He plays for Claude Coldy sensitive dance workshops, for Atsushi Takenouchi workshops and performances, for Kea Tonetti performances and workshops. www.tivitavi/spaziocontinuum.it |