O n l i n e - JINEN Butoh workshop Life of Flower 2021
-Wind Earth Water Fire,Life -
WIND 30,Apr, 1, 2 May 2021 (Fri, Sat, Sun)
*one session 3hours x 3days
11:30-14:45 and 19:00-22:00 (Italy time)
* One day 2 sessions are same content.
You can choose better time for your time zone.
* You can join eventhough if you didn't take the last session .
*Italian Japanese below!日本語下記
Red earth_Enclosure_Hambledon Hil ph.Roy Riley
-wind earth water fire life -
Where do we really come from?
If millions years of river have built our body.
We have kept a memory of wind, earth, water, fire, animal and plants as life.
Open the door of these memories and let's transform.
Then we remember how, ten thousand years ago,
human being prays and communicates,
dance and transform into these elements.
Prayer and dance, make us remember that our life was at one with
the Earth and the Universe.
- Life of Flower -
Flower is most important element of JINEN Butoh.
Flower open life. Flower is soft body revolution.
Flower is love.
we stay inside, we need to feel seed of life.
To open to universe
with passing through darkness to blightness,
passing through life and
Flower always circulate life.
Flower continue opening .
Atsushi Takenouchi
online workshop
JINEN Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi
live music by Hiroko Komiya
Atsushi develop classes in this 3days( 3hours x 3days), but it's also
possible to participate even partially, even 1 session (3hours).
One day, 11:30 class and 19:00 class are same content, you can choose better time with your time zone.
* This workshop is open to all people who wants to join JINEN Butoh online.
* You can join even though if you didn't take the last session.
<Time Schedule> 3 hours x 3 days . One day 2 sessions are same content.
30,Apr, 1, 2 May
11:30 - 14:45 (Italy time) class in English & Japanese
Start at 11h30 Italy time / London UK 10h30 / Greece 12h30 / Moscaw Russia 12h30 /
India 15h / Hong Kong , Taiwan 17h30 / Japan 18h30 /
Melbourne Australia 19h30 / NY
USA, Montreal Canada 5h30 / Mexico
City 4h30 Register link with Zoom
30,Apr, 1, 2 May
19:00 - 22:00 (Italy time ) class in English
Start at 19h Italy time / London UK 18h / Greece 20h / NY
USA, Montreal Canada 13h / Seattle,SF USA 10h / Mexico
City 12h / Sâo Paulo Brazil 14h / Santiago Chile 13h / London UK 18h / Greece 20h / Moscaw Russia 20h Register link with Zoom
the link above, choose the day and register.
*Possible to combinate different time sessions according to your availability on
each day.
*You will receive a confirmation email with meeting information from Zoom.
*We appreciate you for not sharing the links for security and privacy purposes.
-We ask you to enter 10-20 minutes before the class starts.
- In case you cannot join,please cancel your registration. -Wear comfortable clothes, choose a space where you can move freely.
-Please check your microphone MUTE, your video ON. -Please click on the SPEAKER VIEW to see Atsushi guiding in the big screen.
-For attending workshop, please take care your own body and health, be responsible for your own safety.
*If you can connect your computer to other speaker, you can listen live sound better!
<Donation concept>
this hard time all over the world, we all artists activity face to
the difficulty. Having cancel, postponing of workshop, performance, and
projects, first what I could do was sharing my practice movies
on internet. Then decided to start online JINEN Butoh workshop to share
real time with you. From deep my heart,
I really
wish to keep on teaching and dancing for next Butoh
generation, young dancers, performers who is interested in Butoh, and
all field's artists and audience. Your
donation will be contributed to maintain all JINEN Butoh activity. We really appreciate for your
<Donation> We suggest 10 - 25 euros per 1 session / 3 hours.
-Depending on your finance, you can donate your own possible amount, even less, even more. We appreciate.
-If you have financial difficulty, no necessary to pay, let's
join with your passion. Please share this info around you. That
is great contribution for us.
*After releasing lock down, each country and each person has different economy. So, we suggested the fee with wide range.
**Your donation will be directly sent to Atsushi Takenouchi and Hiroko Komiya.
By secure Paypal >>
*PLEASE add description "donation for BUTOH ONLINE" with this transfer!
Bank transfer >>
*PLEASE ADD description "Donation for BUTOH ONLINE" with this transfer!
Youtube channel ; JINEN Butoh basic practice movie for your daily warming up! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69yXBbtb0izHNJF2oS7PEA
For any question;
please email us with title "online JINEN Butoh" and your name.
email; jinenco@gmail.com
**Big appreciation for SpazioNU for this setting up online Butoh course.**
We are looking forward to seeing you and sharing Butoh with real time together!
Arigatou. Thank you very much.
Atsushi and Hiroko
“Dance is devotion to life.”
I learned this while travelling nature fields
called JINEN.
This has never changed since old times and will never
This means I should dance to “my life,” to the moment, and to
now, which lasts forever.
I got
my body from the earth.
I got my life from the sun and the moon, my
parents, my friends and my love.
So I’ll return the gifts to these
I’ll return them to others through a dancing body and soul.
When I see a tiny flower selflessly, I meet a dance filled with the joy
of “life.” And then, my body is filled up with the water of “life.”
seeds of memory inside me become a bud.
sounds of wind are the whispering of the earth.
The sound of minerals
is the muttering of machines. We hear the sounds of the universe
through explosion and noise and stillness.
thousands of sounds, take our souls far away to our unknown world.
we travel, remind us of forgotten dances.
On the sun and the moon,
there are young men singing eternal songs
at every place in the world.
Let’s begin an ancient and modern fete of
“relics of life” holding
artifice and nature-on earth.
-JINEN Butoh Atsushi Takenouchi
Atsushi Takenouchi (www.jinen-butoh.com)
butoh dance company „Hoppo-Butoh-ha“ in Hokkaido in 1980. His last
performance with the company “Takazashiki”(1984) was worked on by
butoh-founder Tatsumi Hijikata. Atsushi has started his own „Jinen
Butoh“ since 1986 and created solo works „Itteki“, „Ginkan“ as a
universal expression of nature, earth, and ancient times and
impressions of the moment, meeting with people and environment. He made
3 year “JINEN” tour project throughout Japan for 600 site-specific
improvisations (1996-1999). During this time, he started to be inspired
by a spirit of the universe of Kazuo Ohno and Yoshito Ohno.
Since 2002,
he has been mainly based in Europe, working on Butoh dance
collaboration project with dancers and actors in Italy, France, Poland,
Spain, U.S.A
and other countries. Since 2014, has started long term residency JINEN
Butoh school in Pontedera city and countryside in Toscana.

ph by Tomohisa Saitoh
Hiroko Komiya (www.jinen-butoh.com/hiroko_profile_e.html)
the sound from the air, space, movements, inner body, memory and
transforms into the sound without bound melody or rhythm. Plays object
sounds; stone, water, sea shells, toys, daily life objects and
percussion; metal bowls, bells and voice. Since 1999, she regularly
accompanies Atsushi Takenouchi's Butoh performance and workshop as
musician. Apart from dance, she collaborates also with film,
sculptor, painter, poet, story teller, costume designer, various
artists for exhibition, installation, etc.

ph by Georges Karam
Workshop Online di JINEN Butoh
2021 La Vita Del Flori
30 aprile, 1 e 2 maggio
- vento terra acqua fuoco vita -
con il maestro Atsushi Takenouchi accompagnato dalla musica di Hiroko Komiya
30 aprile, 1 e 2 maggio
Dalle 11:30 alle 14:45 e dalle 19:00 alle 22:00
Due sessioni ogni giorno di 3 ore ognuna con gli stessi contenuti
Danziamo insieme!!! Apriamo il nostro spirito più profondo, come un fiore.

Red earth_Enclosure_Hambledon Hil ph.Roy Riley
- vento terra acqua fuoco vita -
Da dove veniamo veramente?
Se milioni di anni di fiumi hanno costruito il nostro corpo.
Abbiamo conservato in noi questo ricordo
di vento, terra, acqua, fuoco, animali e piante, come vita.
Apriamo la porta di tutti questi ricordi e trasformiamoci.
Allora noi ricorderemo come l’essere umano,diecimila anni fa,
pregava e comunicava.
Attraverso la danza ci trasformeremo in questi elementi.
La preghiera e la danza ci fanno ricordare come
la nostra vita era un tutt’uno con la Terra
e l’Universo.
-La Vita dei Fiori-
Il Fiore è l’elemento più importante del JINEN Butoh.
I Fiori aprono la vita. I Fiori sono la delicata rivoluzione del corpo.
I Fiori sono l’amore.
Ora restiamo al nostro interno, abbiamo bisogno di sentire il seme della vita.
Per aprirci all’Universo passando attraverso l’oscurità verso la luce.
Passando attraverso la morte verso la vita.
I Fiori fanno sempre circolare la vita.
I Fiori continuano ad aprirsi.
- Atsushi Takenouchi-
*Puoi unirti! Anche se non hai partecipato alle precedenti sessioni online Workshop online di Jinen Butoh .
*3 ore di workshop al giorno per 3 giorni.
*Atsushi ha sviluppato il workshop su tre giorni (3 ore al giorno), ma è possibile partecipare anche solo a una sessione.
stesso giorno ci sono due sessioni con gli stessi contenuti (11:30 –
14:45 e 19:00 – 22:00) per permettere a persone di diversi paesi o con
esigenze diverse di partecipare.
*durante il
workshop online consigliamo di connettere il computer a delle casse per
ascoltare con una migliore qualità la musica dal vivo di Hiroko!
*il corso sarà tenuto in inglese.
***si prega di inserire il collegamento ZOOM nella pagina inglese sopra per la registrazione.
***per favore, vedere la pagina in inglese sopra per le
donazioni per la partecipazione.
Ringraziamo tanto Spazio Nu per la creazione online di questo corso!
Non vediamo l’ora di incontrarci davvero nuovamente e condividere e danzare Butoh insieme!
Arigatou!! Grazie!!!
Atsushi e Hiroko
-Tradotto in Italiano da Liviana Angeloni e Maruska Marulyn Ronchi.-
オンライン - じねん舞踏ワークショップ
2021 Life of Flower
風 大地 水 火 生命 「 風 」
2021年4月30、 5月1-2日 ( 金、土、日)
イタリア時間11:30-14:45(日本18:30-21:45PM)英語&日本語 /
イタリア時間19:00-22:00 (日本3:00-6:00AM)英語
* 一日2セッション同じ内容です。良い時間を選んでください。
じねん舞踏 竹之内淳志、 音楽 小宮広子
Red earth_Enclosure_Hambledon Hil ph.Roy Riley
風 大地 水 火 生命
- 風 -
風 大地 水 火
- Life of Flower -
イタリア時間 11:30-14:45 ⇒ 日本時間夜 18:30-21:45
1st session/ 4月30日 / 11:30 - 14:45 / クラスの言語は英語、日本語
2nd session/ 5月1日 / 11:30 - 14:45 / クラスの言語は英語、日本語
3rd session / 5月2日 / 11:30 - 14:45 / クラスの言語は英語、日本語
イタリア時間11:30 Zoom参加登録>>>
イタリア時間 19:00-22:00
⇒ (日本時間5/1 - 5/3 3:00-6:00 AM-難しい時間なのでお勧めしませんが。。。)
1st session / 4月30日 / 19:00 - 22:00 / 英語のみ
2nd session / 5月 1日 / 19:00 - 22:00 / 英語のみ
3rd session / 5月 2日 / 19:00 - 22:00 / 英語のみ
*一日3時間 3日間コース
申込み登録 register ;受講にはオンラインミーティングアプリZOOMが必要です。
画面はSPEAKER VIEWをクリックし、竹之内ガイディングが画面上大きく映るよう確認。 ワークショップ参加に際し、身体と健康状態、安全について、自己管理をお願いします。
稽古動画配信Youtube channel ;
じねん舞踏の基本稽古動画になります。毎日のウォーミングアップや稽古に(英語)。 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69yXBbtb0izHNJF2oS7PEA
email; jinenco@gmail.com
協力; SpazioNU ダンススクール