2010 |
infor>>>http://formatzero.blogspot.com/ |
JINEN Butoh solo performance & workshop in
Butoh Festival / Barcelona
Nov 10-13, 2010 4days JINEN Butoh
at Centro civico "la Barceloneta" "Breath" Breath is essential for all the lives. The earth is also breathing through hundreds millions year. We can find many different breath in this world. Breath of animals. Breath of stones. Breath of lights... In this workshop, we use breath which is a starting point for all existence as a theme. contact & reservation : cursos@barcelonaenbutoh.com more
info>>>http://www.barcelonaenbutoh.com/ Nov 14 Sunday, 2010 Atsushi Takenouchi solo Butoh performance At Convent de Sant Agusti start :19.00h Butoh Dance : Atsushi TAKENOUCHI Live music : Hiroko Komiya.......voice and
object sound;stone, water, metal ball, etc
" SKIN "
Does my skin separate me from the external world ? Magma, underground bedrock, surface soil, the atmosphere, the magnetosphere - the layers of the earth. Membrane of cells, internal organs, muscles,
bones, and the body…
a wave of emotion, a layer of energy… aura - the inner and outer layer of our body. Perhaps there is no boundary between me and my environment. There is only the sensation from the many layers of skin. The life of the moment, the dance begins with
this layered sensation.
![]() more info>>>http://www.barcelonaenbutoh.com/ Poland Nov26 - Dec13 ,2010 JINEN Butoh Poland tour in Krakow, Warsaw ,etc. Nov 26,Solo JINEN Butoh performance “KAKELA" /Krakow at Manggha -Centre of Japanese Art & Technology Live music : Hiroko Komiya.......voice and
object sound;stone, water, metal ball, etc ![]() Photo Georges Karam "Kakela" I am just a fragment. Who knows where this fragment comes from. What am I ? With this question humans
travel through life.
Why go so many places? Why tirelessly keep
going until death? Why always look for new people, new
Because I want to know…. what I am. I
wanted to understand…. very deeply.
Before becoming a fragment, you and me were
one ?
Before becoming a fragment, sky and me were
one ?
Before becoming a fragment, sea and me were
one ?
Awakened people said to
Do not search outside, look in. Truth is
inside of you.
That’s why I put a ladder inside to go in
myself one step at a time.
This is the beginning of
But I keep on dancing, that means I meet
new people, I have new experience
Even though awakened people said sit still
and look inside.
I really want to meet you, I want to meet
sea, I want to meet sky, I want to meet light.
…May be I just wanted to know what am
But this dire need to meet new people, new
I am a fragment, not perfect, a broken
I’m a dreamer of life that’s why this need
to meet.
Million billion years ago, we were just one thing…. Atsushi Takenouchi more info>>>http://www.manggha.krakow.pl/en/wydarzenia/kakela |
2010 OCTOBER |
more info>>>http://www.rotiebutoh.com/rotiebutoh.com/butoh_uk_calendar_2010.html bookings: butohuk@googlemail.com
Oct 25-26, 2010 JINEN Butoh workshop / Beirut at the Sunflower theater:Tayouneh Roundabout Beirut, Lebanon contact: Zoukak: info@zoukak.org |
Greece Sep 2, 2010 Contemporary Dance Group"Syn+Ergasia"performance / Athens dance:Syn+Ergasia Emilia Bouriti & Atsushi Takenouchi Sep 4-5 , 2010 2 days intensive butoh seminar Atsushi Takenouchi "Butoh dance and space"a body dialogue through the exploration of space Life was born from the earth and, originally, human danced on this very ground of this earth. It is important to find out and to be conscious οf our body as a part of this huge circulation. at:STUDIO 32 Nileos, Thisio, metro Monastiraki. more info>>>English more info>>> Greece <Contact&Booking > Emilia Bouriti “syn+ergasia dance theatre company” τ η λ . 6 9 3 8 7 0 7 7 0 6 email: ebouriti@yahoo.gr Holland
butoh 3days workshop / Holland
September 6 ,7 and 8, 2010
time 10.00 to 16.00 *This three-day workshop is for anyone
who wants to participate, or a background in dance training is not
Work in
progress' I breathe in the world '
9 and 10, 2010
time 10.00 to 17.00 This Butoh workshop is linked to the performance, ' I breathe in the world " (by Dutch company Fields of Wonder and in collaboration with Atsushi Takenouchi
), that will premiere after the workshop .
Participants receive workshop days,
then there is the creative process of making performance.
A selection of the participants will
also be invited to participate in a presentation as a performer ,
these day rehearsed . Part of the show
will fill Atsushi self -reactive on the scenography by stage
Geert van der Velden.
Contact : info@fieldsofwonder.nl
Phone Geert van der Velden +31(0)6 4834 1780 more info>>> : http://www.fieldsofwonder.nl/projecten/2010/butoh_workshop ( in Dutch) Holland
"I breathe the world " collaboration
performance with Fields of Wonder / Delft
September 10 , 2010 ,
Fri , 20.00
September 11 , 2010, Sat 13.00 / 16.00 / 20.00 September 12 , 2010 , Sun 13.00 / 16.00 A unique prsentation of 'air' as a theme in the
broadest sense .
"I breathe the world " shows a wonderful mix
of seeing Japanese Butoh dance , modern dance ,
installations and live music.
The monumental Glue & Culture , founded in 1885 as Glue and Gelatin Factory located at the Schie , provides the backdrop for this
performance .
Location Glue & Culture , Rotterdamseweg 270
, 2628 AT Delft Access Free , voluntary contribution is welcome Concept , image and direction: Geert van der Velden With the cooperation of o.a. : Atsushi Takenouchi and Hiroko Komiya more info>>> http://www.fieldsofwonder.nl/projecten/2010/ik_adem_de_wereld ( in Dutch ) Contact :Fields of Wonder www.fieldsofwonder.nl/ Tel 0715415566 Mob 0648347180 E info@fieldsofwonder.nl France Sep 25 - Oct 1, 2010 , 7days Intensive natureside residency Butoh workshop in the Pyrenees /South France Last day is each solo presentation in nature meeting on the 25th Sep morning , departure day on the 2nd Oct morning -dance in the field, forest, mountain, dance in the cave, dance with flower, sunrise session, night session, animal dance,,, -last day is each solo improvisation in the nature of the Pyrenees -meals are organic vegetarian meals prepared together more info>>>French contact & booking Nicolas RAYNAUD tel : e-mail: nicotrace@gmail.com |
2010 AUGUST |
This workshop is for dancer, actors, performers and people who has experience in body training. at : Studio “Avignon Temps Danse”, avenue des Sources, 1 impasse Massena, 84000 Avignon. -last day will be openair presentation of each participant solo improvisaiton at (www.domaine-escarvaillac.fr/) -one night event : Atsushi Takenouchi short solo butoh and photo/video night at the Avignon European Center of Poetry -workshop will be accompanied with live music by Hiroko Komiya more info >>>French contact & booking Emmanuel Sandorfi, tel:+33(0)6 71 60 96 55, email: a.dit@free.fr Organised by la Cie Autrement Dit, 3 bld des Lices, 13200 Arles - www.cie-autrementdit.com Italy August 23-29,2010 JINEN Butoh 7 days Summer Natureside residency workshop in "Connection between JINEN and body and yourself " arrival day:22 Aug , departure day: 30 Aug morning Last day is each solo & group impro presentation site specific in the nature This intensive 7days workshop is meant for dancers, actors, performing artists, body work practitioners and others active in related fields. -workshop will be mainly at natureside and also in the studio. -one day sunrise session, dance with tree, olive tree forest, fields, dance on the beach and in the wave, dance with star and moon, movement and voice, etc - residency at La Luna Nel Pozzo (www.la-luna-nel-pozzo.com/index-uk.htm) - meals are Apulian organic cooking *maximum 20 persons. reservation is needed since the place is limited. moreinfo English&Italian >>> <contact & booking > Germana and Franco +39 348 66 44 073 ; +39 348 8629254 info@casinasettarte.org , www.casinasettarte.org ========================================================= Photos of workshop in Summer JINEN Butoh Bari workshop are available: http://www.millenary-euphoria.net/works/Jpuglia2005.html ========================================================= |
2010 JULY |
--Tribute to Kazuo
OHNO ---
In 2004, I
perfomed my solo piece "STONE"at Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio in front of him.
During my dance, we heard the voice saying " Please push my back,
I want to
stand, and dance." It was the words of him on the wheerchair.
I love to dedicate "Stone" for
him. Atsushi Takenouchi
butoh:Atsushi Takenouchi music: Hiroko Komiya ( stone, water, sea shell, metal balls, percussion, voice ) Teatro Era in Pontedera (Pisa) http://www.pontederateatro.it/ At 21:00 A stone took a long, long time to form. Born
from the earth, a stone holds the plants seeds,
2010 JUNE |
--Tribute to
Kazuo OHNO ---
In 2004, I perfomed my solo piece
"STONE"at Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio in front of him. During my dance, we
heard the voice saying " Please push my back, I want to stand, and dance." It
was the words of him on the wheerchair. I love to
dedicate "MI-HITOTSU" for
him. Atsushi Takenouchi
Atsushi Takenouchi solo JINEN Butoh "Mi-Hitotus 身ひとつ" butoh:
Atsushi Takenouchi music:
Hiroko Komiya.......voice and object sound; stone, water, metal ball,
etc Merci a toi Rimbaud, toi le voyant de tous les delires
? folie, chaos, beaute ! Reconnaissance a toi qui as implante en moi, dans
le subconscient de mes seize ans, le don d’etre pret a tout risquer a la
vie, a la mort ≪ rien qu’avec son corps ≫. <info & booking> Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree Tel +33(0)1 4476 0606, ecbp@tenri-paris.com, http://www.tenri-paris.com/ 8-12, rue Bertin Poiree 75001 Paris ( Metro/ Chatelet or Pont-Neuf) |
2010 MAY |
France May 7, 2010 Jinen Butoh Group Spectacle "Sou Ma Toh- Lanterne magique- " / Millau start :8:30PM, at "La Fabrick" Une choregraphie de Atsushi Takenouchi Musique: Hiroko Komyia, Nicolas Moulin Danseurs: Annie Lam, Sebastien Badachaoui, Stephanie Lemonnier, Francis Farizon, Corinne Bodu, Nicolas Raynaud, Camille Giraud, Claire Bonniot, Atsushi Takenouchi. Production: Cie La Manivelle "La Fabrick":9 Rue du la saunerie 12100 Millau Reservation Conseillee au 06 85 12 99 53 Contact : Cie La manivelle Francis Farizon , francis.farizon@free.fr more info>>> France May 12-16,2010 5days intensive JINEN Butoh workshop at CCAM / Nancy time: 10h00 a 17h00 at: Centre Culturel Andre Malraux Scene Nationale de Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy more info>>>http://www.centremalraux.com/ Click to Formations Atsushi Takenouchi solo JINEN Butoh performance music Hiroko Komiya at CCAM / Nancy < contact & booking > CCAM tel : +33 03 83 56 15 00 ccam@centremalraux.com detailed info look >>> http://www.centremalraux.com/ |
2010 APRIL |
2010 MARCH |
2010 JANUARY |
Jan 23, 2010 "8SEASONS" collboration performance with company Mobilis-Immobilis / Chaville(Ile-de-France) Art direction/ vidual art/ scenographe : Maflohe Passedouet Choreograph/ dance : Atsushi Takenouchi Live music : Hiroko Komiya Electric music : Ramuntcho Matta Light: Nadim Deaibes Interactive projection program: Cedric Plessiet Assistant Plasticien : Jean-Marc Bourgeois Compagnie Mobilis-Immobilis contact : mobilis_immobilis@yahoo.fr ATRIUM DE CHAVILLE 3, PARVIS ROBERT SCHUMAN 92370 CHAVILLE ℡ 01 47 09 70 70 atriumdechaville@atriumdechaville.fr more info >>> http://www.mobilisimmobilis.com/mobilis.html http://www.mobilisimmobilis.com/communique-de-presse_8_SEASONS_%20chaville2010.pdf http://www.mobilisimmobilis.com/8seasons.html