Dec 3, 2011
Takenouchi solo Butoh "Kakela" in Szczecin
at Teatr KANA
butoh : Atsushi Takenouchi
live music : Hiroko Komiya .......voice
and object sound

<Info & contact>
tel : + 48 91 4330388, + 48 91
6-11,2011 Butoh Barter 2011
JINEN Butoh intensive workshop
in Warsaw
*last day workshop participant solo presentation
Atsushi Takenouchi butoh improvisation with live music by
Hiroko Komiya and guest

Date :
Master Class 6th - 11th.December.2011 (6 days)
Everyday 2 pm to 8
info>>> english & polish, http://www.butoh.8log.pl/
<booking &
Dec 13-14,2011
Atsushi Takenouchi JINEN
Butoh workshop & solo Butoh in Lodz
detailed info is coming soon.
Novembre 2011, 19h30
at Les Combustibles, - 14, rue Abel
75012 Paris - Prix Libre
more info and flyer >>>
Michel Pilz(Bass Clarinet), Itaru Oki(Trumpet), Benjamin
Duboc(Contrabass),Jean-Noel Cognard ( Percussion)
LENA CIRCUS and Hiroko Komiya
; Antoine Letellier (Guitar, Tenor sax, Trumpet), Nicolas Moulin
Guillaume Arbonville( Percussions), Hiroko Komiya ( voice,
percussion, object sound )
The Daimon’s Playground; Doro Dimanta ( Saxophones,
Bolon, voice ), Sergio Leon ( Percussions),
Suti Gabeh ( 7 codes
guitar) , Pol SK (Bass Clarinette) , Piersy Daimon Roos ( Bass Guitar)
Le 29 Novembre 2011 a 20h30
Galerie G - l'art au Garage , 23 rue des Lilas, 75019 Paris
metro : Place des Fetes (line 11), Pres-St-Gervais (line7bis) tel +33
Butoh dance : Odile NOEL-SHINKAWA, Maki WATANABE,
Live music : Claude PARLE( Accordeon ), Hiroko
KOMIYA(Creations acoustiques),Fred MARTY(Contrebasse) Hiroko collaborate with Maki Watanabe in this evening !
more info
Solo JINEN Butoh Atsushi
Takenouchi in Paris
for 40 years anniversary of
17 - 19 octobre 2011 a
20h30 " JINEN "
-Mille gouttes, mille fleurs-
20 - 22 octobre 2011 a
20h30 " Stone "
more info
>>> www.tenri-paris.com/art/spectacle.html
Danse et
choegraphie : Atsushi TAKENOUCHI
Musique : Hiroko KOMIYA(voix,
percussion, objet sonore)
Lumiere : Margot
" JINEN " -Mille gouttes,
mille fleurs-
C’est le tremblement de
terre recent du Japon
qui m’a inspire cette
Retiens en ton sein ces milles gouttes
tombees des cieux
Et transforme-les en mille fleurs.
A cet instant, nous existons et je rends grace a cette
vie. En mars de cette annee, du fait du tremblement de terre dans le Nord
du Japon et de la catastrophe nucleaire qui s’en est suivi, des milliers
de personnes ont tout perdu. Si ce tremblement de terre avait eu lieu dans
la region du Kansai, j’aurais sans doute moi-meme vecu ce drame. L’idee
que j’ai depuis a l’esprit est que ces victimes vivent dans de terribles
conditions a notre place et que tous ceux qui ont peri alors sont
peut-etre morts a notre place. Partout dans le monde la ou il y a des
guerres ou des catastrophes naturelles…oui, c’est peut-etre a notre place
qu’ils souffrent ou disparaissent, tous ces hommes, ces animaux, ces
Voila pourquoi
toutes ces vies perdues, je les prends sur moi, je les porte en moi avec
respect et compassion et mon v?u est de continuer a les faire vivre par ma
" Stone " Je suis une roche, un simple fragment de l’univers. Nee de la terre, la roche se forme tres
lentement, prenant corps grace a des elements vegetaux et animaux. Les
arbres quant a eux, etirant leurs racines, s’elevent grace a la lumiere du
soleil et a la richesse de la terre. Finalement,
cette roche apparait comme la preuve qu’en ce monde, tout est lie. Et
c’est l’existence passee et future de cette roche que je danse. “Stonea ete interpretee a Paris, Avignon, Varsovie,
New-York, Vienne, Berlin, Minsk, Pondichery, Londres ou encore au Centre
de Recherche sur le Buto de Kazuo OHNO.
<Reservations > Espace
FRANCO-JAPONAISE DE TENRI http://www.tenri-paris.com/ 8-12, rue Bertin Poiree 75001 Paris (metro :
Chatelet, Pont-Neuf ) Tel : +33 (0)1 44 76 06
06 E-mail : ecbp@tenri-paris.com
October 8 & 9, 2011 collaboration with RED
EARTH CHALK project -Experience the
landscape, Installation, performance, and experiential walks on the South
more info
>>> http://www.redearth.co.uk/
CHALK Performances: Sep
24 and 25 Harting Down, Oct 8 and 9 Wolstonbury Hill Journey into the hidden landscape. CHALK begins in a primordial valley on Harting Down,
and ends within the enigmatic Bronze Age enclosure on Wolstonbury Hill. CHALK events are
atmospheric 2-hour journeys across the land :
Extraordinary performance from Atsushi Takenouchi in a soundscape of horn,
bell, and bronze. Local choirs bring together
voices from the South Downs, Macedonia and the Russian Steppe, as the land resonates with the sound of Mongolian
Longsong from Badamkhorol Sandandamba. JOIN ONE OF
TWO CHALK CHOIRS and take part in the
RED EARTH CHALK A six-month project exploring the
South Downs www.redearth.co.uk Sculpture
installations April until October RIVER Harting Down Map Ref SU797174 An avenue of coppiced ash and hazel, flowing lines of
shadow and light. Situated in a secluded valley, RIVER is inspired by the ancient deer hunt,
prehistoric ritual structures, and the river that originally formed the valley after the last ice age. FOLD Wolstonbury Hill Map ref TQ288136 A woven ring of coppiced greenwood sitting in the
bowl of the valley, FOLD is inspired by traditional sheep enclosures and the Bronze Age earthwork on
Wolstonbury Hill: a landscape where five thousand years of forest clearance and animal grazing have
allowed the unique ecology of chalk grassland to flourish. <contact
& info > Caitlin and Simon RED EARTH www.redearth.co.uk email; choir@redearth.co.uk
FRANCE Sep 3 -9, 2011 ,
7days Intensive natureside residency Butoh workshop in the Pyrenees /South
France Last day is each solo
presentation in nature -Dance in the
field, forest, mountain, dance in the cave, dance with flower, sunrise
session, night session, animal dance,,, -For the person who works on the stage, who wants to
develop a quality of being by connexion with feeling and emotion, who
wants to touch to universal, to what regard each being in his human
condition; and for the person who wants deeply
feeling alive, awake and dive in each cells memory, dance the wind,
embryon, earthquake, reptile, sun...

The natureside workshop will be in
pyrenees, in front of the mountain, south of Toulouse, from 3 to 9
We cook together a vegetarian organic
food with fish one or two time.
We dance most of the time outside
in the fields, with stones, with trees, with wind, if the weather is good,
one day inside a cave. Otherwise there is a nice practice
This is 7 days full, 8 hours a day.
Workshop start on saturday 10h30 am and finish next saturday morning. The
cost is including workshop fee, food and accomodation. Please look
the more info page.
more info>>>French
http://www.jinen-butoh.com/more_info/pf1109%20South%20france.html < contact &
booking > Nicolas RAYNAUD tel :+33
(0)6 09 17 08 56 e-mail:
UK September 24 & 25, October 8 & 9,
2011 collaboration with RED EARTH CHALK project -Experience the landscape, Installation,
performance, and experiential walks on the South Downs-

photo by Roy Riley
more info
>>> http://www.redearth.co.uk/
CHALK Performances: Sep
24 and 25 Harting Down, Oct 8 and 9 Wolstonbury Hill Journey into the hidden landscape. CHALK begins in a primordial valley on Harting Down,
and ends within the enigmatic Bronze Age enclosure on Wolstonbury Hill. CHALK events are
atmospheric 2-hour journeys across the land :
Extraordinary performance from Atsushi Takenouchi in a soundscape of horn,
bell, and bronze. Local choirs bring together
voices from the South Downs, Macedonia and the Russian Steppe, as the land resonates with the sound of Mongolian
Longsong from Badamkhorol Sandandamba. JOIN ONE OF
TWO CHALK CHOIRS and take part in the

RED EARTH CHALK A six-month project exploring the South
Downs www.redearth.co.uk Sculpture
installations April until October RIVER Harting Down Map Ref SU797174 An avenue of coppiced ash and hazel, flowing lines of
shadow and light. Situated in a secluded valley, RIVER is inspired by the ancient deer hunt,
prehistoric ritual structures, and the river that originally formed the valley after the last ice age. FOLD Wolstonbury Hill Map ref TQ288136 A woven ring of coppiced greenwood sitting in the
bowl of the valley, FOLD is inspired by traditional sheep enclosures and the Bronze Age earthwork on
Wolstonbury Hill: a landscape where five thousand years of forest clearance and animal grazing have
allowed the unique ecology of chalk grassland to flourish. <contact
& info > Caitlin and Simon RED EARTH www.redearth.co.uk email; choir@redearth.co.uk
GREECE Sep 28 - Oct 2
, 2011 Ancient Greek Theater workshop project in Epidaurus,
Greece Stage Practices Of Ancient Thearter. Acting-
Directing - Voice - Movement -Music - language (29 August-17
workshop led by Atsushi Takenoushi Exploration of body, breath, and inner/outer movement
process for the construction of role, mask and vocal work. Prosody as
poetics of sound and the body in space.
Approaches to the performance and staging of Ancient
Greek Plays taught on site by instructors, scholars & artists. IMALIS THEATER IN EPIDAURUS presents its 2011
Workshop Series: "Shed the skin, trace the path,
set the post," with master teachers Phillip Zarrilli, Atsushi Takenoushi
and Gennadi Bogdanov. August 27th thru October 17th, 2011, in Ancient
Epidaurus, Greece.
 more info
>>> http://www.jinen-butoh.com/more_info/ws1109_greece%20Epidauros%20Brochure.pdf more info
>>> http://www.jinen-butoh.com/more_info/ws1109_greece%20%20Epidaurus.pdf more info >>> http://www.epidaurustheater.org/
Contact & Booking http://www.epidaurustheater.org/ *please directly
make reservation from the site above. The IMALIS
project tel: +30 27520
23521 email: info@epidaurustheater.org
2011 AUGUST |
GERMANY August 8-21 eX...it!
11 5th International dance - exchange symposium
project in Broellin , Germany workshop camp : Aug 8-21 Final Public Presentations: 19th + 20th August 2011 (after sunset - at about 21:00 hs)
Choreographers: Alessandro Pintus, Atsushi
Takenouchi, Batarita, Denise Fujiwara, Ken Mai, Masaki
Sachiko Ishikawa, Takashi Iwaoka Musician: Zam Johnson,Tom
Zunk, Hiroko Komiya Fine art :Joaxhim Manger Artistic
Directors: Yumiko Yoshioka & Delta Ra'i
14th August Symposium Director Discussion Forums: Gregor Weber
work place : Schloss
Broellin 3 D - 17309 Broellin/Germany, www.broellin.de

more info >>> http://www.exit.broellin.de/ Information and
Contact: www.exit.broellin.de (go to contact) exit@broellin.de
GREECE August 31, 2011
at 21:00 performance in Athens Ancient Drama
Festival in Athens "Western Steps. In the Steps of
Iera Odos"
FESTIVAL <The Tragic Myths Today> by Atsushi
Takenouchi and Emilia Bouriti "syn + ergasia" at Attiko Alsos Theatre ( Karpenisioti Street,
Choreography, Direction, Dramaturgy and installation:
Emilia Bouriti Choreographic Intervention: Atsushi
Takenouchi Performers: Atsushi Takenouchi,
Panagiotis Garbis,Ioanna Tabaksi, Emilia Bouriti Musical Composition and performance: Hiroko Komiya,
Tassos Fotiou Texts: Eleni Ladia “Oreografia”,
Dimitris Papaditsas “Apanta”, Aggelos Sikelianos “Iera Odos”, Homeric Hymn
to Demeter (trans. Eleni Ladia, Dimitris Papaditsas) Lights: Sofia Alexiadou Poster Photography: Voula Androni Performance Photography: Pagratis Pagratidis Costumes: Dominic Delcos

info>>> www.cityofathens.gr
, http://www.athenscityculture.gr/node/10503,
<information> tel: +30- 210-3621601, 3612920 www.cityofathens.gr http://www.athenscityculture.gr/node/10503
<contact> Emilia
Bouriti tel +30
6938707706 ebouriti@yahoo.gr
2011 JULY
Italy July 4-30,
2011 Summer 4weeks Intensive JINEN
Butoh workshop & long performance in Pontedera/ Italy 140 hours of intensive butoh workshop
and long performance in Pontedera ( Pisa ) conducted by Atsushi Takenouchi
Any small life has own life time. The butterfly life has birth and death in the
short arch of time. 26nights and 26days is
their whole life or one measure. As the
butterfly feels whole life in 4weeks, we explore how deep we feel
our own life and presence through this 4weeks. And at the same time, we explore how we express
it on the stage through this 4weeks Butoh
workshop. |
* we devide 4weeks
into 4 themes. - Life
circulation, transformation. - Feel
ourself as part of nature. Meet the nature where our body come
from. - Discover beautiful
movements and dance in the weakness, flagility, sickness. - Stand still with your all presence, and
dance your life in front of audience.
long performance On July 30, as the
final presentation, we will have long performance day with each
participants solo or duo in studio, and
group improvisation, butoh procession in the city of pontedera. Like
park in Pontedera, street in the town, square of station, riverside with sunset, etc. *Please bring any costume as you prefer, and
the shoes which you can dance with. ( white painting, etc.. )
participants: 20. * This workshop is ment
for dancers, actors, performers and person who has physical training
back ground. It is desirable
to have Butoh dance/ workshop experience in the past, since it is
intensive 4weeks workshop. *Date and time : 4th-30th July 2011, from
Monday to Friday, 7 hours per day *At : workshop
will be held mainly inside studio of Spatio NU. and natureside (on
2nd week), and site specific location occasionally. *Everyday at the end of class, there
will be solo improvisation . *Some Friday,
we will make site specific butoh dance in various location in
Toscana. *Every weekend on Saturday,
participants can bring her/his own solo work. *From the third week, the workshop will be
accompanied by live music by Hiroko Komiya. *Participants must send her/his curriculum
vitae with a description of her/his motivation to join in this
workshop. *Accomodation will be arranged by
Spatio NU, the detailed info will be announced when you contact.
info>>> http://www.spazionu.com/?p=14
<contact &
booking > SPAZIO NU - DANCE &
MOVEMENT Spazio NU -via
Firenze 42/A - 56025 Pontedera (PI) tel. +39 0587 54 634, +39
329.09.08.119, +39 349.13.71.631 email: spazionu@gmail.com (information and registration
workshops), info@spazionu.com http://www.spazionu.com more info
>>>Italian&english http://www.spazionu.com/?p=14
================================================================== Photos of workshop in Summer JINEN
Butoh Pontedera workshop 2008 are available: http://www.millenary-euphoria.net/works/Jpontedera2008aug.html
http://picasaweb.google.com/pontedera.ws ================================================================== |
Poland July 9-16,
2011 Concert tour "ashita" project :
Hiroko Komiya & Kazuya Nagaya collaboration/ Poland July 9 (Szczecin), July 12 (Warsaw), July 14
(Krakow), July 16 (Poznan) Hiroko
Komiya ( voice, object sound ) Kazuya
Nagaya ( gong,
singing bowls, buddhist instrument, guitar, etc ) more

France June 10,11,12and 17,18,19 French more
info>>> 6days
JINEN Butoh workshop" The Four
seasons of life" /Paris Jun
10th(17:00-22:00),11th(11:00-19:30),12th(11:00-19:30) 17th(17:00-22:00),18th(11:00-19:30),19th(11:00-19:30)
“DANCE IS DEVOTION OF LIFE” I learned this while my
travelling nature fields called JINEN. This has
never changed since old times and will never change. This means I should dance to “my life”, to the
moment, and to now which lasts forever. I’ve got my body from the earth. I’ve got my life
from the sun a nd the moon, my parents, my friends
and my love. Then I’ll return the gifts to these
universe. I’ll return them to others through
dancing body and soul. As I see a tiny flower selflessly, I meet a dance filled with a joy of “ life”. And
then, my body is filled up with water of “
life”. The seeds of memory inside of myself come into bud. The sound of winds is the whispering of the earth.
The sound of minerals is the muttering of
machines. We hear the sounds of the universe
through explosion and noise and stillness. Oh,
thousands of sounds, take our souls far away to our unknown world. Travel with reminding us of forgotten dances. On the sun and the moon, there are young men singing
eternal songs at every place in the world. Let’s
begin an ancient and modern fete at “relics of life” holding artificial and nature on earth.
Atsushi Takenouchi
<info &
booking> FURIE-DOUCE email: furie.douce@gmail.com mob:+33(0)6
70 49 46 02
France Jun 21-22, 2011 solo
Butoh performance at Bertin Poiree in Paris Butoh festival
2011 /
Paris “ La Mer des Souvenirs
” "Sea of the
Design:Motoyuki Torii Angkor
Wat,2000,photo by Hiroko Komiya
mardi 21 et mercredi 22
juin, a 20h30 Buto solo : Takenouchi Atsushi Musique : Kazuya Nagaya, Hiroko Komiya
“ La Mer des
Souvenirs ”
Toute forme de vie existante est nee de la Mer, notre
Mere. Nos corps actuels se sont constitues d'apres les reminiscences
accumulees a travers les milliards d'annees d'evolution. Que deviennent
nos souvenirs une fois effaces de notre memoire, ou vont-ils ? Nos corps
s'impregnent de nos experiences personnelles mais renferment egalement la
memoire collective accumulee pendant des milliards d'annees. Tous ces
souvenirs que nous emmagasinons pendant les quelques decennies qui
separent notre naissance de notre mort, grace a la danse, au chant, aux
mots, aux idees, constitueront une petite partie de cet heritage transmis
aux generations suivante. Ces souvenirs qui emplissent nos corps les font
resonner, mais pourquoi danse-t-on ? C'est par la suite que le Buto
commence,au moment ou nous faisons resonner nos corps. Les gens se
rassemblent. Nous aussi, nous sommes nes de la Mer des souvenirs. ≪Le
temps qui passe….aujourd'hui vient enfin le temps des
Kazuya Nagaya : Kazuya Nagaya uses bronze bells, gongs and
singing bowls which are mostly used in Buddhist or Hindu rituals in Tibet,
Bali and Japan. He creates unique ambient music by mixing these sacred
instruments with modern instruments such as keyboards and electric
& booking> Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree Tel +33(0)1 4476 0606, ecbp@tenri-paris.com, http://www.tenri-paris.com/ 8-12, rue Bertin Poiree 75001 Paris ( Metro/ Chatelet or Pont-Neuf)
CONCERT FRANCE June 19, 2011
"Pique-Nique <Japonais>" at Lizieres centre
de cultures et ressources in EPAUX-BEZU Hiroko Komiya ( voice, object sound ) Kazuya Nagaya ( gong, singing bowls, buddhist
instrument, guitar, etc ) <booking > reservation@lizieres.org , www.lizieres.org more info
>>> http://www.lizieres.org/?p=1641&lang=fr
FRANCE 25 june 2011
"Apres JUNE EVENTS,l’Atelier de Paris accueilledu 20 au 30 juin"
/Paris ATELIER CAROLYN CARLSON / LE CHAUDRON Atsushi Takenouchi Jinen Butoh<<JINEN
>> 25 june 2011 Starting at
20h30(20minutes) Butoh : Atsushi
Takenouchi(Butoh & voice)
DE PARIS - CAROLYN CARLSON La cartoucherie 75012 Paris http://www.junevents.fr/skite.html Metro
CHATEAU DE VINCENNES + bus 112 (stop ≪ Cartoucherie ≫)
28 Jinen Butoh
& Music Improvisation/Fukuroi-city,Sizuoka "Sea of the Memory-記憶の海から" Butoh: Atsushi Takenouchi Live music : Kazuya Nagaya,Hiroko Komiya place:RAKUDO-Sha more
Contact& Booking:
RAKUDO-Sha email: rakudo@ck.tnc.ne.jp Fax:0538-43-4055, Mobile:090-3076-2139(Sugiura) HP:http://www.rakudosha.com/ add: Noth part
of JA-chapia,227 Minamikata, Toyosawa-aza, Fukuroi-city,Sizuoka,Japan, 437-0032
29 Jinen Butoh & Musjc Improvisation/Sizyoka
"Sea of the Memory- 記憶の海へ" Butoh: Atsushi Takenouchi Live music : Kazuya Nagaya,Hiroko Komiya place:Abe river upstream
Contact:ABEOKU no Kai
安倍奥の会 *soon more info comeing
2011 APRIL
JAPAN April 17, Atsushi Takenouchi Jinen Butoh Improvisation/
" Vers l'Autre
Monde..." start
17:00(19:30 is mistake) at Space
ALS-D dance: Atsushi Takenouchi music: Hiroko Komiya ( voice and object sound;stone,
water, metal ball, etc)
≪ Vers l'Autre
Monde...≫ 自然現象のうらの世界に身を委ね.... ..........Send to a
deceased father..............
Yutaka Takeuchi Photo by Georges
Vers l'Autre Monde...
Mon pere, amateur de calligraphie, nous a laisse deux
Tanka compose sur son lit de mort. ≪ Jusqu'a
present, je ne voyais que mon propre horizon, mais aujourd'hui, pour la
premiere fois, je rejoins votre univers. En le
contemplant ainsi, je le trouve sublime ≫. ≪ Je me
laisse aller a l'obscurite et ne percois rien d'autre que le silence et
l'absence de bruit ou de voix. Je confie mon corps
et mon ame au monde spirituel. Il m'est desormais
impossible de revenir dans le monde ou je vivais, quelle tristesse... ≫ Quelques mois plus tard, mon pere partait pour
l'autre rive.
Je me demande ce que mon pere a eprouve, a decouvert
en voyageant a travers les differents mondes decrits dans ces deux vers (son monde, l'autre monde, et le
passage de l'un a l'autre)... Une feuille a un endroit et un envers,
tout comme la vie est l'envers de la mort. Toute forme de vie, en accord avec les Lois de la Nature, doit mourir. Je l'accepte, un jour la mort viendra pour moi
Tout le monde doit experimenter la
mort. Cependant, quand moi aussi je rejoindrai ce
monde, je voudrais y etre prepare, et avoir compris ce que mon pere a
trouve entre le monde de l'inconscient et du
conscient. La Danse Buto peut me le permettre, meme si je ne fais que
l'effleurer..... Je souhaite suivre le meme chemin
emprunte par mon pere.
La mort pourrait etre le chemin a prendre pour
liberer l'ame du corps. Je presume que, c'est a
travers ce voyage que les experiences personnelles de chacun, leurs
sentiments et leurs souvenirs sont sublimes et ne
font plus qu'un avec la Nature.
Ma mere m'a dit au telephone que mon pere est parti
le sourire aux levres...
Atsushi Takenouchi
Mon pere s'est
eteint le 3 octobre de l'annee derniere (2010). Je
souhaite lui rendre hommage a travers cette piece.
自然現象のうらの世界に身を委ね.... ≪ Vers l'Autre Monde...≫
書道を好んだ父が生前病床で残した短歌が二句あります。 『今までは水平線下の目の下の世界しか見えず。 今日が初めて皆と一緒の世界に戻ってくる。今、立ったまま世界を見ている、素晴らしいことだ。』 『声のない ただ 静けさの 音の無い 暗闇に身を委ね。さらに、自然現象のうらの世界に身を委ねる。 ただ世に出れぬ身の、なんと哀しきかな、、、、。』 そして、数か月後、父は次の世界へ旅立った。
この二句にある、水平線下の目の下の世界、自然現象のうらの世界、 その世界の中で、またその世界を通り抜け、父は何を見、体験したというのだろうか、、、、。 一片の葉の裏と表のように、生と死があり。自然の摂理で生けるものは必ず死ぬ。 何年先か何十年先か知らぬが、この次は僕と覚悟する。
逝く時には誰もが、その世界を体験するものであろう、、、。 しかし、何時かそこに行く者として、この父の見た無意識の世界と意識の世界の狭間に、 舞踏を通してほんの少しでも触れてみたいと思う。 そして、父の魂の旅路を追ってみたい、、、。
死とは、魂がこのカラダという世界から解き放たれる旅立ちなのだろうか。 人一人の全ての人生経験や感情や想いが大自然に昇華し溶けていく旅立ちなのだろう。 母からの電話で、父は微笑んで逝ったと聞く、、、。
竹之内 淳志
booking: Yurabe
Mobile:090-5155-3543 yurayura5@nike.eonet.ne.jp * we recommend to make reservation for the
ticket since we have maximum number of 30 tickets.
place: SpaceALS-D http://homepage3.nifty.com/spacealsd/ address: 38-23Minamifunaoka-cho Murasakino Kita-ku
Kyoto 603-8225 Bus number(6,46,58,206)at Senbon
Kuramaguchi( walk 5 minutes) Map: http://homepage3.nifty.com/spacealsd/alsmap.pdf
Japan April 3rd
(SUN) Start 15:00 ***We chenged Date & Time!!!! the performance date of April 1st and
2nd was cancelled.
soloJINEN Butoh performance " HANE NO KI - 羽根の樹" /Tokyo butoh : Atsushi Takenouchi live music: Kazuya Nagaya,
Hiroko Komiya open: start:15:00 at: performance gallery LITTLEMORE CHIKA *All free seating, but reservation is recommended. *Every time after the performance, the after party
will be held.
info>>> *** Date and Time is April,3(SUN)
Start 15:00

" HANE NO KI - 羽根の樹"
L’ame ?
ailee ? s’ebat librement dans le Ciel. Le corps,
lui, ne le peut car ses racines le retiennent a la Terre. Prive de vol, epris d’espace, le corps frappe le sol
et se fait Danse. O arbre aile ! Tant qu’il y aura
la vie, accorde-moi, accorde-nous d’etre l’ardente
danse Qui est seve des corps et ames
Les ailes sont la monture de l’ame et chaque plume
tombee d’une aile figure le voeu, la priere d’un
homme. Et tout comme pour l’arbre, c’est par la racine que notre corps puise sa vie. L’ame ? ailee ? s’ebat librement dans le Ciel. Le
corps, lui, ne le peut car ses racines le
retiennent a la Terre. Prive de vol, epris d’espace, le corps frappe le sol et se fait Danse. Certes,
on le sait bien, l’homme ne peut voler mais il REVE qu’il a des ailes
et qu’il parcourt le ciel, tant il aspire a la
liberation loin du monde et de la condition ou il
se trouve maintenant. Que l’on pense seulement aux vieillards, aux
enfants victimes des catastrophes naturelles et de
la famine, aux agonisants dans les tremblements de
terre et les guerres sans plus de recours que la priere, aux opprimes criant pour la liberte, aux soldats que les
massacres et la drogue ont rendus fous, aux
populations deplacees de force et qui defilent vers la mort, a tous ceux ? handicapes moteurs ou mentaux ? que la
societe rejette, a ces etrangers que la traite
contraint a la prostitution ou au striptease ou ils sont jetes aussitot consommes, aux acteurs dejantes, aux
mendiants, et puis a tous ces esprits d’ animaux,
de forets en voie de disparition dans la nature que l’on detruit !.. Chez tous ces etres vivants ecrases, mis
a l’ecart, plumes par la societe, combien plus
douloureux encore ce doit etre de rever d’ailes et de liberte ! …Or, voici que, sortant d’oubliettes
obscures, leurs corps tremblants se mettent a
danser a present! Voici qu’a notre insu leurs ames se sont ailees pour, d’un coin du ciel, se tourner vers nous et nous
heler !! O mon ame ! Prete l’oreille au
bruissement ardent de leurs ailes desirantes ! Sache les recueillir une a une, plume par plume, afin
d’en composer le grand arbre aile ! Et que naisse
un jour, dans les siecles, la Danse-Arbre alliance de la Racine et de l’Ame ! Quand du corps des hommes les
racines invisibles se ramifient sur Terre, l’Ame
fait dialoguer le Ciel avec Elle, la Danse se produit. C’est en suivant le profond desir de l’Ame que le
Corps fait naitre la Danse. O Arbre aile ! Tant
qu’il y aura la vie, accorde-moi, accorde-nous d’etre l’ardente Danse qui soit seve des corps avec les ames
Atsushi Takenouchi

Nanjou Okinawa photo by Hiroko Homiya
羽-根の樹 HA-NE NO
魂は羽を持ち天界を自由に駆け巡る。飛べぬカラダはその彼方への想いを地に語り、深く根を張り、踏みしめ、オドル。 羽根の樹、それは魂を載せる羽を持ち、また、地中深く根降し大地の胎動を聞く。 羽根の樹よ、いのちのある限り、魂とカラダの生む、切なるオドリを与え続けよ。
羽とは何?羽とは魂を乗せる翼。 羽根とはその翼から抜落ちた1本の羽の形、それは一人ひとりの願いや祈りの形。 根とは木の根のことであり生命の根源のこと、僕ら人にとってはこのカラダのこと。
うか、、、、、。 例えば、天災や飢餓で打ち捨てられた老人や子ども,地震や戦争で傷つき唯祈る人,自由を叫び弾圧される人々,殺戮と麻薬で狂った兵士,
僕の魂よ、今この時代のそんな様々な生命の切なる願い、祈りの魂の羽に耳を傾けよう。抜け落ちた一本一本のそんな生命達の羽根を集め一本の願いと祈りの樹を創れ! 樹の根と魂が幾百年という時を経て樹形というオドリを生むように。人のカラダから大地へ見えぬ根を伸ばし、魂が大地と天に対話すると踊りが生まれる。このカラダが魂の切なる想いを追いかけて踊りを生む。僕のカラダよ、見えぬ根を大地にのばし、一本一本の羽根と語り合え!
竹之内 淳志
<info & ticket booking > LITTLEMORE CHIKA add:3-56-6 Sendagaya,Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051
Japan tel: +81-(0)3-3401-1042,
+81-(0)3-5474-9588 fax: +81-3401-1052 http://www.littlemore.co.jp/chika/
<access> Go out JR Harajuku Station Takeshita and
soon turn left and go straight along the rail track toward Yoyogi/ Shinjuku direction for 7-8 min. The venue is on the first basement of the 3 story
building with the white tiles. http://www.littlemore.co.jp/chikaenglish/ http://www.littlemore.co.jp/chikaenglish/map/
March |
Japan Mrach 28, 2011 Hiroko collaborating Music Concert /Tokyo
Chie Mukai :an
Oriental fiddle,voice,dance Kazuya Nagaya:
guitars Hiroko Komiya:voice, object sound,stone,
water, metal ball, etc Antoine Letellier
.....guitar, wind instrument,
 more info>>>
<info & booking> KID AILACK ART
HALL 03-3322-2264(KID AILACK ART HALL) HP:http://www.kidailack.co.jp/
Germany Feb 12-18,2011 7days JINEN
Butoh workshop" The Four seasons of life" /
Berlin DATE: 12.02.-18.02.2011 every day 10.00-15.00
(including lunch break) PLACE: EDEN :Breitestrasse 43,Berlin-Pankow
S/U-Bhf. Pankow Bus 250 / M27 Pankow Kirche * The
courses are adapted to beginners and professionals * the workshop will be accompanied by live music by
Hiroko Komiya * last day is each participants
improvisation/presentation in workshop place
APPLICATION/INFORMATION: sonja@genomedance.com od. 0179-5029308
“DANCE IS DEVOTION OF LIFE” I learned this while my travelling nature
fields called JINEN. This has never changed since
old times and will never change. This means I
should dance to “my life”, to the moment, and to now which lasts forever. I’ve got my body from the earth. I’ve got my life
from the sun a nd the moon, my parents, my friends
and my love. Then I’ll return the gifts to these
universe. I’ll return them to others through
dancing body and soul. As I see a tiny flower selflessly, I meet a dance filled with a joy of “ life”. And
then, my body is filled up with water of “
life”. The seeds of memory inside of myself come into bud. The sound of winds is the whispering of the earth.
The sound of minerals is the muttering of
machines. We hear the sounds of the universe
through explosion and noise and stillness. Oh,
thousands of sounds, take our souls far away to our unknown world. Travel with reminding us of forgotten dances. On the sun and the moon, there are young men singing
eternal songs at every place in the world. Let’s
begin an ancient and modern fete at “relics of life” holding artificial and nature on earth.
Atsushi Takenouchi
more info>>>http://www.jinen-butoh.com/more_info/ws1102_Berlin_e.html more info>>>http://www.jinen-butoh.com/more_info/more info
photo/1102 Berlin ws_web.pdf
Feb 19-20, 2011
soloJINEN Butoh performance "KAKELA" / Berlin Butoh Dance : Atsushi
TAKENOUCHI Live music : Hiroko Komiya.......voice and object
sound;stone, water, metal ball, etc
by Georges Karam
"Kakela" I am just a fragment. Who knows where this fragment
comes from. What am I ? With this question humans travel through
life. Why go so many
places? Why tirelessly keep going until death? Why
always look for new people, new experiences…? Because
I want to know…. what I am. I wanted to understand…. very
Before becoming a fragment, you and
me were one ?
Before becoming a fragment, sky and
me were one ?
Before becoming a fragment, sea and
me were one ?
Awakened people said to me,
Do not search outside, look in.
Truth is inside of you.
That’s why I put a ladder inside to
go in myself one step at a time.
This is the beginning of
But I keep on dancing, that means I
meet new people, I have new experience
Even though awakened people said
sit still and look inside.
I really want to meet you, I want
to meet sea, I want to meet sky, I want to meet
…May be I just wanted to know what
am I.
But this dire need to meet new
people, new things.
I am a fragment, not perfect, a
broken piece.
I’m a dreamer of life that’s why
this need to meet.
Million billion years ago, we were
just one thing….
info>>> place:
Brotfabrik Berlin -Caligariplatz 1
13086 Berlin Tel: 030 / 4714001 oder 471 4002 M2/12/13
Prenzlauer Allee/Ostseestrase Brotfabrik Berlin:
France JAN 30,2011 JINEN Butoh
Performance"JINEN" /
Paris Dance:Atsushi TAKENOUCHI Music: Hiroko KOMIYA
Takenouchi en residence au Liban - copyright c -
photo - Georges Karam - Faqra, 2009
Une production Artrace
en collaboration avec Galerie Hus.
more info>>>
France Jan 11,13,14,15, 2011 hiroko
collaborating spectacle Jan 2011 / Paris Hiroko
Komiya will play music in the performance of French
Juggler Francois Chat and Compagnie.

Nouvelle creation de
Francois Chat ... et Compagnie : si
l'image n'apparait pas, cliquez sur le lien suivant : http://www.francoischat.com/indefini.html
"indefini" JAN 11 and 13, 2011 at 14h30 / JAN 14
and 15, 2011 at 20h30
Francois Chat ( micro, dance, juggling, new magic
) Hiroko Komiya ( live music, natural object ) Ramuntcho Matta ( music creation ) Frederic Dutertre (collaboration in the music
creation ) Simon Spang-Hanssen (participation in
music creation by saxophone) concept ,
scenography, light design by Francois Chat, creation : Theatre
a Chatillon 2011
<info and booking > Theatre a Chatillon tel :
+33(0)1 55 48 06 90 /3,rue Sadi Carnot - 92329 Chatillon www.theatreachatillon.com
France Jan 10-20, 2011 JINEN
Butoh 10days intensive winter workshop for creating solo and duo /
Paris *There will be inside room & open-air
presentation in the last with live music.
English:The theme for this workshop is to dance the
Yin Yang ; to express the various souls that live in the vast cycle of
JINEN - the cycle of day and night, life and death. In this workshop, we
will focus especially on embracing the souls that were excluded or pushed
away by the society, or suffered from mental and physical disturbances,
and get into them and dance them. Through dancing these souls, we
encounter the darkness within ourselves and we keep dancing until we
liberate them from the concept of darkness, perceive them as a real
effusion of the life and change them into light. While creating solo and
duo Butoh piece, Atsushi Takenouchi will give you advice in which physical
and spiritual conditions you should face Butoh and how to turn the
movement sleeping within you into
French:Se mettre profondement en contact
avec les transformations de la Vie et la Mort Le
dernier jour, les stagiaires realiseront d’abord des performances en solo ou en duo (a l’interieur) puis presenteront a
nouveau une procession Buto et des improvisations
de groupe (a l’exterieur) sur le modele de celles
qui furent presentees en ete 2005 au Festival d’Avignon,
Venice2007,Pisa2009 et en hiver 2006 devant le Centre Georges Pompidou.
moreinfo>>>Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree: http://www.tenri-paris.com/art/stages.html
Jan 21, 2011 Atsushi Takenouchi soloJINEN Butoh performance /
Paris Atsushi Takenouchi Jinen Butoh Improvisation ≪ Vers l'Autre Monde...≫ 自然現象のうらの世界に身を委ね.... ..........Send to a
deceased father..............
live music : Hiroko Komiya + inviting Lena
Circus Lena Circus
/ Nicolas Moulin (guitars),Antoine Letellier (guitars, wind
instruments )
Guillaume Arbonville (percussions) Hiroko Komiya
(voice, object sound,stone, water, metal ball,
etc) at Espace Culturel
Bertin Poiree 20:30 start Le jeudi
21 janvier 2011, a 20h30
Yutaka Takeuchi Photo Georges
Vers l'Autre
Mon pere, amateur
de calligraphie, nous a laisse deux Tanka compose sur son lit de mort. ≪ Jusqu'a present, je ne voyais que mon propre
horizon, mais aujourd'hui, pour la premiere fois, je rejoins votre
univers. En le contemplant ainsi, je le trouve sublime ≫. ≪ Je me laisse aller a l'obscurite et ne percois rien
d'autre que le silence et l'absence de bruit ou de voix. Je confie mon
corps et mon ame au monde spirituel. Il m'est
desormais impossible de revenir dans le monde ou je vivais, quelle
tristesse... ≫ Quelques mois plus tard, mon pere
partait pour l'autre
Je me
demande ce que mon pere a eprouve, a decouvert en voyageant a travers les
differents mondes decrits dans ces deux vers (son monde, l'autre monde, et
le passage de l'un a
feuille a un endroit et un envers, tout comme la vie est l'envers de la
mort. Toute forme de vie, en accord avec les Lois de la Nature, doit
mourir. Je l'accepte, un jour la mort viendra pour
moi aussi.
Tout le
monde doit experimenter la mort. Cependant, quand
moi aussi je rejoindrai ce monde, je voudrais y etre prepare, et avoir
compris ce que mon pere a trouve entre le monde de l'inconscient et du
conscient. La Danse Buto peut me le permettre, meme si je ne fais que
l'effleurer..... Je souhaite suivre le meme chemin
emprunte par mon pere.
La mort
pourrait etre le chemin a prendre pour liberer l'ame du corps. Je presume que, c'est a travers ce voyage que les
experiences personnelles de chacun, leurs sentiments et leurs souvenirs
sont sublimes et ne font plus qu'un avec la
Ma mere
m'a dit au telephone que mon pere est parti le sourire aux
Mon pere s'est eteint le 3 octobre de l'annee
derniere (2010). Je souhaite lui rendre hommage a
travers cette piece.
自然現象のうらの世界に身を委ね.... ≪ Vers l'Autre
書道を好んだ父が生前病床で残した短歌が二句あります。 『今までは水平線下の目の下の世界しか見えず。 今日が初めて皆と一緒の世界に戻ってくる。今、立ったまま世界を見ている、素晴らしいことだ。』 『声のない ただ 静けさの 音の無い 暗闇に身を委ね。さらに、自然現象のうらの世界に身を委ねる。 ただ世に出れぬ身の、なんと哀しきかな、、、、。』 そして、数か月後、父は次の世界へ旅立った。
この二句にある、水平線下の目の下の世界、自然現象のうらの世界、 その世界の中で、またその世界を通り抜け、父は何を見、体験したというのだろうか、、、、。 一片の葉の裏と表のように、生と死があり。自然の摂理で生けるものは必ず死ぬ。 何年先か何十年先か知らぬが、この次は僕と覚悟する。
逝く時には誰もが、その世界を体験するものであろう、、、。 しかし、何時かそこに行く者として、この父の見た無意識の世界と意識の世界の狭間に、 舞踏を通してほんの少しでも触れてみたいと思う。 そして、父の魂の旅路を追ってみたい、、、。
死とは、魂がこのカラダという世界から解き放たれる旅立ちなのだろうか。 人一人の全ての人生経験や感情や想いが大自然に昇華し溶けていく旅立ちなのだろう。 母からの電話で、父は微笑んで逝ったと聞く、、、。
竹之内 淳志
<info & booking> Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree Tel +33(0)1 4476 0606, ecbp@tenri-paris.com, http://www.tenri-paris.com/ 8-12, rue Bertin Poiree 75001 Paris ( Metro/ Chatelet or Pont-Neuf)