1 -15 December JINEN Butoh Poland Tour 2021 1&2 December 2021 Butoh Performance HANA / Flowers in Warsaw at Theatre Institute more info>> https://www.instytut-teatralny.pl/kalendarz/ https://fb.me/e/1RKNzb9VP ![]() photo by Georges Karam 3-4-5 Dec 2021 JINEN Butoh workshop 3days "LIFE OF FLOWER" in Warsaw at BUTOHSFERA (Fundacja Pompka), 46/48 Narbutta str. appt. 51, Warsaw. more info>> https://www.fundacjapompka.org.pl/ https://fb.me/e/1RKNzb9VP photo by Georges Karam <Info & register> azdrojewska@publink.com.pl Organizator Fundacja Pompka/BUTOHSFERA https://www.fundacjapompka.org.pl/ 9 December 2021 Butoh Performance HANA / Flowers in Krakow At 19pm at Manggha Museum in Krakow more info FB >>https://fb.me/e/10e5nvK1q more info at Manggha>>https://manggha.pl/wydarzenie/atsushi-takenouchi-hana-flowers ![]() photo by Georges Karam 12 December 2021 Butoh Performance HANA / Flowers in Szczecin At Teatr KANA in Sczecin photo by Georges Karam Info coming soon! Teatr KANA>>http://www.kana.art.pl/ Published in End of November 2021 -new book release- “ATSUSHI TAKENOUCHI JINEN BUTOH” Total 348 pages, language: English Polish Complete translation. Author : Atsushi Takenouchi, Alan Frank ![]() Polish translation from English: Jarosław Kupść Editing of the English version: Jarosław Kupść Japanese translation of Atsushi's introduction: Aleksandra Piwek Front cover photo: Tomohisa Saito Back cover photo: Hiroko Komiya Publisher: Fundacja Pompka Co-publisher:National Institute of Music and Dance (as part of the "Publishing Program 2021") more info >>> <Book Order & Info > Pls open above more info>>> inside there is LINK * After read link, basically it is email order to azdrojewska@publink.com.pl * The book will be available in December. Publisher: Fundacja Pompka https://www.fundacjapompka.org.pl/ ONLINE Perf & Workshp 18,19,20,21, NOVEMBER 2021 Organized by Marlene Butô Barcelona - Atsushi JINEN Butoh solo Performance & 3 days Workshop In English with Spanish Translation 18(Thu) NOV ONLINE Atsushi live Butoh Performance & Artist talk with live music Hiroko Komiya title: Embraced by emptiness between sky and earth time: 20h30 (Barcelona time) Performance info English & Spanish>>>https://fb.me/e/28Hhm1AgF Performance Zoom registraton & Info>>>here! Perf & Workshop info English & Spanish *Pls go to Plus or Agenda page! >>> https://marlenecomp.wixsite.com/jobstlmarlenebuto 2018 Corsica ph. Hiroko Komiya <Embraced by emptiness between sky and earth.> I feel I am alive today with sitting on the grass and breathing deeply. . Earth and sky dive into my eyes, I feel myself really small. Such tiny life, all life in this grass field are living between this sky and earth. Born in this between sky and earth, I repeated many meetings and separations. Sometime joy, sometime cry, sometime sickness. Wishing to go on dance wildly, drink and sing myself hoarse. Live myself to the fullest, and one day I will disappear from this world. All people, all beings live with singing the refrain of each life here between sky and earth. We are embraced by emptiness between sky and earth. Atsushi Takenouchi JINEN Butoh 3days online workshop organized by Marlene Butô Barcelona in English with Spanish translation date ; 19(Fri) 20 (Sat) 21(Sun) Nov 2021 time ; 19:00-22:15 (Fri, Sat, Sun ) accompanied by live music Hiroko Komiya *This workshop is open for everyone who is interested in. Workshop info English & Spanish>>>https://www.facebook.com/events/1347479969002151/ Workshop Zoom registraton and Info>>>here! Perf & Workshop info English & Spanish *Pls go to Plus or Agenda page! >>>https://marlenecomp.wixsite.com/jobstlmarlenebuto ![]() Atsushi Takenouchi JINEN Butoh workshop <Spring & Autumn> “Spring” – Growth. Flower Blooming. A gift from previous season. A precious turning point of life. Nourished during winter, the soil gives new life to flowers. Flower open life.Flower is soft body revolution. Flower is love. We need to feel seed of life. To open to universe with passing through darkness to blightness. Death transforms itself into Life. Flower always circulate life. Flower continue opening . "Autumn" - a gift of life. This is the seed of your soul. After the Summer Solstice,beyond the peak of the Festival of Life, the sunlight is getting shorter day by day. Preparations for autumn begin. Quietly feeling death. Thanking for the radiance of life Sympathizing with all life. Organised by Marlene Butô Barcelona https://marlenecomp.wixsite.com/jobstlmarlenebuto Contact: marlenejoebstl@yahoo.fr O n l i n e 5, 6, 7, NOVEMBER 2021 (Fri, Sat, Sun) - JINEN Butoh workshop Life of Floewr 2021 -Wind Earth Water Fire,Life - FAUNA human& animal *one session 3hours x 3days 11:00-14:15 and 19:00-22:00 (Italy time) more info>>>English & Italian & 日本語 ![]() Photo:Performance_ Emotion Seed 2015 ©Jordi Lagoutte -wind earth water fire life - FAUNA human& animal Where do we really come from? If millions years of river have built our body. We have kept a memory of wind, earth, water, fire, animal and plants as life. Open the door of these memories and let's transform. Then we remember how, ten thousand years ago, human being prays and communicates, dance and transform into these elements. Prayer and dance, make us remember that our life was at one with the Earth and the Universe. ITALY Weekly regular JINEN Butoh class, Open air at Parco dei Salici /Pontedera "Autunno 2021 - Corso settimanale all’aperto di Jinen Butoh" Photo.2016 Elba island by Hiroko Komiya Date: Tue 2, 9, 16, 23 Nov- 15:00 - 17:15. Novembre: i martedì 2, 9, 16, 23 - dalle 15:00 alle 17:15 <Al termine di ogni corso, Atsushi danzerà un solo di 15 minuti. Se vuoi vedere la performance di Atsushi, puoi venire alla fine del corso. (alle 18:15 a ottobre; alle 17:15 a novembre) * Questo corso è aperto a tutti coloro che sono interessati al movimento del corpo e alla natura. more info>>> "Pensato per iniziare il corso regolare" Nasciamo dalla natura e torniamo alla natura. Ciò che è importante per noi in questa epoca. Attraverso questo corpo, ci rendiamo conto che siamo la stessa vita della terra, dei fiumi, degli alberi, dei fiori e degli animali e che siamo parte della natura. Jinen Butoh risveglia i ricordi di tutte quelle vite nei nostri corpi, Essere profondamente consapevoli del potere della natura dentro di noi attraverso la danza. Per far sbocciare il fiore della nostra vita. Online in Philippine 17, October 2021 Philippine Butoh Oline Workshop Series 2021 Atsushi Takenouchi online - Sunday 17, October 11AM (Italy) / 5PM (Philippine) Open for international participants ![]() ![]() photo by Piotr Nykowski We will be covering the 3 shared essence inside in all beings through different modes of expression : Buhay (life), Pag-ibig (love), and Hininga (breath).The workshop intend to reintroduce and promote Japanese Butoh dance in the Philippines and to launch Kapwa—movement, an integrated form of Butoh form into Philippine indigenous wisdom and ritualistic practices. Opening the workshop to international participants, this will be on a donation-basis. Register>>> https://forms.gle/FLooruTGvFNmGrRD7 For more information, please visit: www.kapwamovement.com https://facebook.com/kapwamovementproject https://www.instagram.com/kapwamovementproject/
ITALY Weekly regular JINEN Butoh class, Open air at Parco dei Salici /Pontedera "Autunno 2021 - Corso settimanale all’aperto di Jinen Butoh" Photo.2016 Elba island by Hiroko Komiya Tue 5, 12, 19, 26 Oct - 16:00 - 18:15.Tue 2, 9, 16, 23 Nov- 15:00 - 17:15. Date: Ottobre: i martedì 5, 12, 19, 26 - dalle 16:00 alle 18:15. Novembre: i martedì 2, 9, 16, 23 - dalle 15:00 alle 17:15 <Al termine di ogni corso, Atsushi danzerà un solo di 15 minuti. Se vuoi vedere la performance di Atsushi, puoi venire alla fine del corso. (alle 18:15 a ottobre; alle 17:15 a novembre) * Questo corso è aperto a tutti coloro che sono interessati al movimento del corpo e alla natura. more info>>> "Pensato per iniziare il corso regolare" Nasciamo dalla natura e torniamo alla natura. Ciò che è importante per noi in questa epoca. Attraverso questo corpo, ci rendiamo conto che siamo la stessa vita della terra, dei fiumi, degli alberi, dei fiori e degli animali e che siamo parte della natura. Jinen Butoh risveglia i ricordi di tutte quelle vite nei nostri corpi, Essere profondamente consapevoli del potere della natura dentro di noi attraverso la danza. Per far sbocciare il fiore della nostra vita. O n l i n e 8, 9, 10, OCT 2021 (Fri, Sat, Sun) - JINEN Butoh workshop Life of Floewr 2021 -Wind Earth Water Fire,Life - FIRE *one session 3hours x 3days 11:30-14:45 and 19:00-22:00 (Italy time) more info>>>English & Italian & 日本語 ![]() Photo:exit2011 Atsushi dance with fire ph.Biala Alicja -wind earth water fire life - FIRE Where do we really come from? If millions years of river have built our body. We have kept a memory of wind, earth, water, fire, animal and plants as life. Open the door of these memories and let's transform. Then we remember how, ten thousand years ago, human being prays and communicates, dance and transform into these elements. Prayer and dance, make us remember that our life was at one with the Earth and the Universe.
ITALY 2-5 SEP 2021 - JINEN Butoh nature side workshop in Piedinterra farm / Italy at ; the Piedinterra farm artist residence, located in the highlands (hills) of Santa Margherita di Staffora( PV) Italy *Arrival on 2 Sep late afternoon; we have evening course on 2Sep. *Departure on 6 Sep morning or 5 Sep evening. *Everyday, after warm up on the open wood floor dance space with mountain view,we go to dance in the forest, mountain river, flower hill, rocks, green fields, dance with flower and stars. *Schedule; Everyday 7-8hours. Last day final solo improvisation in the nature. *Stay; camping at Piedinterra farm. please ask Piedinterra if you can't bring own tent. *Meals; basically vegetarian food with fresh local products. *airports nearby: Milano and Genova. *train to Voghera + bus Voghera – Varzi ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() more info>>>https://www.piedinterra.com/?page_id=3426&lang=en photo link >>>http://www.piedinterra.com/?page_id=2933&lang=en <contact & book > PIEDINTERRA http://www.piedinterra.com piedinterra@gmail.com, buriedance@gmail.com SWITZERLAND 15-21 AUG 2021 nature side residency workshop in the Swiss mountain / Kiental,Swiss " The eternal transformation of life " Residency at Kientalerhof located in the small village,overlooking of Blüemlisalp. There is also the Kien Valley and the Tschingel Lake. We dance with trees, lakes, rivers, mountain flowers, waterfalls, stones and forest air. *Arrival on 15 AUG; course starts at 18h , Departure 21 AUG ; course will end 17h . *After warm up in the studio with mountain view, we go hike into nature and dance with wild flowers, forests, river, waterfalls, mountain, rocks, fields, sky and fire dance. *Schedule; Everyday 7-8hours. Last day final solo improvisation in the nature. *Accommodation; at Kientalerhof accommodation. there are variety of room options. *Meals at Kientalerhof ; mostly biological, predominantly vegetarian food, and regional & seasonal products. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() info and booking >>> https://www.kientalerhof.ch/en/courses/transformation-en/jinen-butoh-the-eternal-transformation-of-life-japanese-art-of-movement-with-atsushi-takenouchi-hiroko-komiya-2/ < contact > Kientalerhof - Griesalpstrasse 44, CH-3723 Kiental Schweiz Switzerland, Tel: +41 33 676 26 76 https://www.kientalerhof.ch/en/
O n l i n e 2, 3, 4, JULY 2021 (Fri, Sat, Sun) - JINEN Butoh workshop Life of Floewr 2021 -Wind Earth Water Fire,Life - WATER *one session 3hours x 3days 11:30-14:45 and 19:00-22:00 (Italy time) more info>>>English & Italian & 日本語 Photo:2004 Brazil "Ridden by Nature" project by Kiah Keya ,photo by Hiroko Komiya -wind earth water fire life - WATER Where do we really come from? If millions years of river have built our body. We have kept a memory of wind, earth, water, fire, animal and plants as life. Open the door of these memories and let's transform. Then we remember how, ten thousand years ago, human being prays and communicates, dance and transform into these elements. Prayer and dance, make us remember that our life was at one with the Earth and the Universe. ITALY July 16-27,2021 - Summer Butoh School -intensive summer naturside workshop /Toscana Italy * This course is full booked, now only waiting list. more info>>> Butoh camp in nature 1,200m high mountain) dance with forest and river and lake, sun, wind, flower, water, fire, trees, stones, sunrise, moon and stars. Last day of nature side, long performance presentation with solo/duo, group improvisation. ![]() <contact> butoh.spazionu@gmail.com SPAZIO NU - DANCE & MOVEMENT, www.spazionu.com Pontedera (PI) Italy ITALY Cancelled 2-4 July 2021 -workshop & performance in the 6th La Voce Del Corpo / Osnago Italy *This festival is postponed to 2022. "BEYOND OURSELVES AND BACK: FREEDOM AND EROS " 3days Butoh workshop and final group Performance with Atsushi Takenouchi 4 July at 9pm final group performance at Piazza Vittorio Emanuele – Osnago (LC) live music by Hiroko Komiya
Italya 8 Jun-29 July Corso settimanale all’aperto di Jinen Butoh Jinen Butoh weekly regular openair class a Pontedera al Parco dei Salici more info>>> ![]() Red Earth project _Chalk 2011_Photo by Carolina Diaz Corso settimanale all’aperto di Jinen Butoh a Pontedera al Parco dei Salici (vicino allo Spazio Nu, 8 minuti a piedi) Il martedì dalle 17:30 alle 19:30. Date: 8/22/29 giugno – 6/13 luglio Il giovedì dalle 10:00 alle 12:00. Date: 10/24/ giugno – 1/8/29 luglio * Questo corso è aperto a tutti che sono interessati al movimento del corpo e alla natura. * Puoi partecipare anche una volta alla settimana, due volte alla settimana. "Pensato per iniziare il corso regolare" Nasciamo dalla natura e torniamo alla natura. Ciò che è importante per noi in questa epoca. Attraverso questo corpo, ci rendiamo conto che siamo la stessa vita della terra, dei fiumi, degli alberi, dei fiori e degli animali e che siamo parte della natura. Jinen Butoh risveglia i ricordi di tutte quelle vite nei nostri corpi, Essere profondamente consapevoli del potere della natura dentro di noi attraverso la danza. Per far sbocciare il fiore della nostra vita. more info>>>http://www.jinen-butoh.com/more_info/ws2106_%202021_corso%20Butoh%20Salici%20Nu_.%20.html -------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 17:30-19:30 date ; June 8, 22, 29, July 6, 13 Thursday 10:00-12:00 date ; June 10, 24, July 1, 8, 29 * This class is open for everyone who is interested in body movement and nature. * You are wellcome to join even once a week, twice a week. "Thought for starting regular course" We are born from nature and return to nature. What is important to us in this era. Through this body, we realize that we are the same life as the earth, rivers, trees, flowers and animals, and that we are a part of nature. Jinen Butoh awakens the memories of those all lives in our bodies, To be deeply aware of the power of nature within us through dancing. To make the flower of our life bloom. more info>>>http://www.jinen-butoh.com/more_info/ws2106_%202021_corso%20Butoh%20Salici%20Nu_.%20.html <Contact > butoh.spazionu@gmail.com SPAZIO NU -DANCE & MOVEMENT, www.spazionu.com ITALY 15-21 June 2021 - natureside residency workshop in South Italy/ Puglia arrival 15 June, dep 21 after breakfast Dance with the red earth, ancient olive forest, flower fields, rocks, sea wave, sun rise.... with residency at Casina Settarte. Last day final solo improvisation of each participants in the nature. accommodation; at traditional south Italian Trullo, stone dorm, cave room, bungalow, camping in pine forest ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() <contact&booking> more info>>http://www.casinasettarte.org/wordpress/5-9-giugno-2019-atsushi-jinen-butoh-nature-side-workshop-at-casina-settarte/?lang=en info@casinasettarte.org , Francesco : +393486644073 , http://www.casinasettarte.org Casina Settarte - Contrada La Chiusa, 72017 Ostuni, Apuglia, Italia ITALY 26-27 June 2021 - 2days JINEN Butoh workshop & Butoh performance " SKIN" in UNFIX festival 2days JINEN Butoh direct workshop in Yurta Maktub ( countryside of Bologna ) 26, 27 ( Sat & Sun) JUNE 2021 Hour; 15-19h(Sat), 10-15h(Sun) - total 8 hours, At; Yurta Maktub in Monzuno (Bologna) Live music: Hiroko Komiya *Costs: 120 euros including: - 8 hours workshop - Camping utilities (electricity, swimming pool, hot water...) - Saturday dinner - Sunday breakfast and lunch - Possibility to sleep in own tend or in the Yurt (bring the matelas and sleeping bag!) * *This workshop is open for everyone who is interested in. more info >>> https://fb.me/e/4mxM3AvTS <Info & booking> Yurta Maktub; ateritual@gmail.com 2018 Atsushi, lake Maggiore ,ph.Hiroko Komiya 27(Sun) June 2021 - solo Butoh Online performance in UNFIX festival Online & live performance in UNFIX fes "SKIN" butoh Atsushi Takenouchi, live music by Hiroko Komiya and Yuri Dini more info>>> https://unfixfestival.com/featured/atsushi-takenouchi-hiroko-komiya-skin/ photo by Konronsha <Contact & info > https://unfixfestival.com/ O n l i n e 4, 5, 6, JUN 2021 (Fri, Sat, Sun) - JINEN Butoh workshop Life of Floewr 2021 -Wind Earth Water Fire,Life - EARTH *one session 3hours x 3days 11:30-14:45 and 19:00-22:00 (Italy time) more info>>>English & Italian & 日本語 Photo:2007 "Ridden by Nature" project by Kiah Keya ,photo by Hiroko Komiya Book Cover photo: Back to the Dance Itself written by Sondra Fraleigh -wind earth water fire life - EARTH Where do we really come from? If millions years of river have built our body. We have kept a memory of wind, earth, water, fire, animal and plants as life. Open the door of these memories and let's transform. Then we remember how, ten thousand years ago, human being prays and communicates, dance and transform into these elements. Prayer and dance, make us remember that our life was at one with the Earth and the Universe. ITALY Saturday 29th May 2021 1day open air JINEN Butoh workshop & performance / Toscana Italy At ; Tempio Di Minerva Medica in Montefoscoli Workshop ; 11:00-17:30 *We dance openair, in the garden, forest and in front of temple. * accompanied by live music Hiroko Komiya. <Contact > butoh.spazionu@gmail.com Performance: from 18:00 At ; Tempio Di Minerva Medica in Montefoscoli (google map :https://goo.gl/maps/KRH3Euv9hbTnPTpe6) Maruska Ronchi/ Alessia Mallardo / liviana angeloni / Atsushi Takenouchi *For the performance 18pm: audience is wellcome. (Donation) WORKSHOP DI JINEN BUTOH in natura con ATSUSHI TAKENOUCHI Montefoscoli - Tempio di Minerva / Toscana Italy accompagnato dalle musiche dal vivo di Hiroko Komiya. Questo workshop è aperto a tutti e tutte!! Programma: *Il workshop si terrà dalle 11:00 alle 17:30. more info >>>https://fb.me/e/1rw5J280a Per informazioni pratiche e iscrizioni scrivere a: butoh.spazionu@gmail.com indicando nella mail nome e numero di telefono. *Dalle 18:00 partiranno le performance, tra cui quella di Atsushi Takenouchi. Performance ; Tempio Di Minerva Medica in Montefoscoli (google map :https://goo.gl/maps/KRH3Euv9hbTnPTpe6) Maruska Ronchi/ Alessia Mallardo / liviana angeloni / Atsushi Takenouchi Online May 23, TOKYO REAL UNDERGROUND Festival < Buto DIASPORAH >Symposium project the six dancers who have been active outside of Japan and have spread Butoh. In Japan 22:00 (15:00 Italy time) Butoh ; Tadashi Endo, Oguri, Yuko Kaseki, Toshi Tanaka, Yumi Umiumare, Atsushi Takenouchi more info>>>http://www.tokyorealunderground.net/english/program/0523.html ![]() 5月23日(日)22:00 配信開始[8月15日まで視聴可能] 「東京リアルアンダーグランド(TRU)」フェスティバル(4/1-8/15) オンラインシンポジウム「舞踏ディアスポラ」 世界各地に根を張って地道に舞踏活動を続けてきた日本人アーティストが結集し、 世界のBUTOHの現在について語り合う。 *登壇:遠藤公義、Oguri、カセキユウコ、竹之内淳志、田中トシ、ゆみうみうまれ(50音順) 司会:松岡大 <<<インフォ&配信ページリンク>>> http://www.tokyorealunderground.net/TRU2021042420210815OnLine/truonline.html *シンポジウムは TRU ONLINE でもご覧になれますが に参加すると、アーティストへの直接の質問や交流ができます! 【 ウェビナーへのご参加方法 】時間になりましたら、以下リンクをクリックしてご参加ください。 (ウェビナーID 859 6799 6393 / ウェビナーパスワード 958399) Zoomウェビナー>>>https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85967996393?pwd=TTNYTWEzWm5oWnh1TXMwRm15Vm4wQT09#success *プログラムを視聴するには、参加登録が必要です(無料)。 TRUの全プログラムを無料で視聴できます。 参加登録リンク>>> http://www.tokyorealunderground.net/ticket.html Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVALスペシャル13 TOKYO REAL UNDERGROUND 主催:東京都、公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京 企画運営:NPO法人ダンスアーカイヴ構想 ITALY Saturday 8 May - 1day open air JINEN Butoh workshop / Toscana Italy with Atsushi Takenouchi place ; Tempio Di Minerva Medica Montefoscoli accompanied by live music Hiroko Komiya location ; open air, nature, village, forest, site specific location in Toscana time ; 11:00 - 18:00 * this workshop is open for all people who wants to join. ![]() <Contact > butoh.spazionu@gmail.com
O n l i n e 30,Apr, 1, 2 May 2021 (Fri, Sat, Sun) JINEN Butoh workshop Life of Floewr 2021 - Wind Earth Water Fire,Life -WIND *one session 3hours x 3days 11:30-14:45 and 19:00-22:00 (Italy time) more info>>>English & Italian & 日本語 ![]() Enclosure_Hambledon Hill_ 2007.ph.Roy Riley -wind earth water fire life - WIND Where do we really come from? If millions years of river have built our body. We have kept a memory of wind, earth, water, fire, animal and plants as life. Open the door of these memories and let's transform. Then we remember how, ten thousand years ago, human being prays and communicates, dance and transform into these elements. Prayer and dance, make us remember that our life was at one with the Earth and the Universe. O n l i n e 19, 20, 21 Mar 2021 (Fri, Sat, Sun) JINEN Butoh workshop Life of Floewr 2021 -Mobius of Apollo & Dionysos - *one session 3hours x 3days 11:00-14:00 and 19:00-22:00 (Italy time) more info>>>English & Italian & 日本語 ![]() Photo by Jordi Lagoutte_Georges Karam_Hiroko Komiya - Möbius of Apollo & Dionysos - Yin and Yang. Life and death, creation and destruction, light and darkness. These two energies have nurtured the universe while antagonizing and coordinating from the beginning of the universe. In Japanese old mythology, Apollo is a goddess called Amaterasu. Dionysus can be seen by the god Susanou and the goddess Uzume. In this animist mythology, these gods became the starting point of the world that nurtures light and darkness, and various lives. There are masculine and feminine qualities in both the opposing gods Apollo and Dionysus. The spirals of these opposing energies may have created the flow of the cosmic star river. ITALY *At this hard time with the covid and the restrictions, we finally decided that we will not hold JAN & FEB & MAR school 10days and weekend, unfortunately. 2021 Jan 4-15(cancelled), JAN- MAR 2021 - 3 months JINEN Butoh School /Toscana Italy Intensive 10days : 2021 Jan,Feb, Mar 6-17(cancelled) more info>>> Weekend course 2021 Jan,Feb ,Mar 6-7(cancelled) more info>>> ![]() <Contact > butoh.spazionu@gmail.com SPAZIO NU -DANCE & MOVEMENT, www.spazionu.com
29, 30, 31 Jan 2021 (Fri, Sat, Sun) O n l i n e - JINEN Butoh workshop LIFE OF FLOWER 2021 -Apollo & Dionysos - 11:00-14:00 and 19:00-22:00 (Italy time) more info>>>English & Italian & 日本語 ![]() 2010 Greece Eleusina's .ph.Pagratis Pagratidis - Apollo & Dionysos - Yang and Yin. Life and death, creation and destruction, light and darkness. These two energies have nurtured the universe while antagonizing and coordinating from the beginning of the universe. In Japanese old mythology, Apollo is a goddess called Amaterasu. Dionysus can be seen by the god Susanou and the goddess Uzume. In this animist mythology, these gods became the starting point of the world that nurtures light and darkness, and various lives. There are masculine and feminine qualities in both the opposing gods Apollo and Dionysus. The spirals of these opposing energies may have created the flow of the cosmic star river. ITALY *At this hard time with the covid and the restrictions, we finally decided that we will not hold JAN FEB school 10days and weekend 2021 Jan 4-15(cancelled), JAN - MAR 2020 - 3 months JINEN Butoh School /Toscana Italy Intensive 10days : 2021 Jan 4-15(cancelled), 2021 Feb 6-17(cancelled), 2021 Mar 6-17 more info>>> Weekend course 2021 Jan4-5-6(cancelled), 2021 Feb 6-7(cancelled), 2021 Mar 6-7 more info>>> ![]() <Contact > butoh.spazionu@gmail.com SPAZIO NU -DANCE & MOVEMENT, www.spazionu.com |